Chapter 16

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I woke up early to the sound of knocking on my door.

"(Y/n), I made breakfast." Tommy called.

"I'll be down in a minute."

I rolled out of bed, groggily grabbing clothes and getting dressed. When I made it to the kitchen, Tommy had just finished setting the table.

"Morning." I smiled, taking a seat at the table.

"Good Morning. There's eggs, bacon, and some toast in the toaster." He greeted me back.

"So what's in store for today?" I grabbed a few pieces of bacon.

"I figured we'd tour the city or something." Tommy threw a piece of toast on the table for me.

I nodded my head, taking a bite of eggs. We talked about random things throughout breakfast. When breakfast was over we made our way to the city.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"There's a new movie out, I figured we could go see it." Tommy smiled.

"Sounds fun."

The conversation died neither one of us not really knowing what to say to each other. In some ways Tommy was still the same old Tommy from 5 years ago, but in others he seemed so different. Like we no longer had any common ground. Most of it was my fault. If I never got on that stupid boat, Tommy and I's relationship would be better. It's almost dreadful to talk to Tommy. He's always able to tell when I'm hiding something from him. Now I have so many secrets it's hard to keep up with all of them. Tommy doesn't even know the real reason why I was on the boat, or what happened on the island. I want to spill everything, it eats away at me everyday. I know the second I do so he'll never look at me the same, he'll never understand. What happened to me on the island changed me. Nearly made it so I couldn't recognize myself at times. Oliver doesn't even know half of it. Oliver thinks the island made us the same, that it torchered us the same way, but it was a way different experience for me. Oliver was with someone, he was never truly alone. I was, I wandered that forest for days. Hunger ate away at me. Dehydration threatened my sanity. When I thought I reached the worst of it, people found me. They took me back to their camp, and torchered me for information I didn't have. They didn't know that, and everyday started the same. I'd be pulled out of my daze to the feeling of metal on my skin, the feeling of ripping flesh under the blade. Some of the days I was lucky if I passed out from pain or blood loss. Other days the pain never stopped. Tommy must have noticed the drop in my facial expression, so he broke the silence.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just old memories." I said, trying to clear my head.

"About what? The island?"


A silence once again settled between us. It's not like I owed Tommy an explanation. I didn't need to tell him what kept me up at night. What haunts my dreams. The horrors that happened. Tommy's been so patient with me. He hasn't pushed, or forced me to tell him anything. It's not that I owe him an explanation, it's that he deserves one. I took a deep breath. It was time to reveal some of my five years in hell.

"For awhile I was alone, on the island. Oliver and I got separated. It's the memories of those days that bother me the most. I would be so cold, or hungry that I wasn't sure I'd wake up in the morning. That if I closed my eyes I'd lose hope of ever seeing you, or dad again. It was the thought of seeing your's and dad's faces again, hearing your voices, and being able to hug you, that kept me going. That gave me hope that someday I'd be home. Now I'm home and half the time I feel like it's a dream. Both you and dad are so different. It's hard to talk to you. You both look at me like I'm broken. The truth is the island changed me into a better me. It made me better. It made me realize what I have. The island showed me many curel and awful things, and caused me a lot of pain. You know that, and yet you haven't pushed. I thank you for not asking alot of questions. Tommy, thank you for being patient. Thank you for everything you've done for me."

"(Y/n)," Tommy looked me in the eyes, as the car rolled to a stop. "You never have to thank me for anything. That's what family is for lil' sis. I know you find it hard to talk to me, that I seem different. I'm still the same old Tommy, and you can talk to me about anything. We're siblings, the day you were born I made a promise to mom and dad, to myself. To you. I promised I would love you no matter what. That even if I was bleeding out in the street, I would make sure you are okay. I love you and that will never change."

Tommy and I did our best to hug each other. The car's console getting in the way, but we didn't let that stop us. After separating from our embrace, we smiled at each other. A silent I love you.

"What do you say we skip the movie? Grab some ice cream instead. Head home, and watch TV until our eyes refuse to stay open." Tommy smiled.

"Will there be booze?" I asked.

"Of course. It wouldn't be fun without it." Tommy joked.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry I totally forgot I said I would publish yesterday. Also 1k reads, you guys are the best. Have a good day. Be good people.~~ 

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