Chapter 6

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I stood in the shadows with Oliver, as Hunt and a few men were talking.

"You remind Grell I put him on the bench, I can take him off. I will turn him into a cautionary tale." Hunt barked.

"Yes, Mr.Hunt." One of his men said.

"And this attorney, Laurel Lance. You said she wasn't gonna be a problem anymore. I told you to fix that situation." Hunt paused walking. "Why are you still here?"

One of his men ran off, following his orders. Now was our time to strike. I shot an arrow shattering a light. I shot another hitting one of the men in the chest.

"Get in the car." The remaining man ushered Hunt into the car.

The man then opened fire towards where I once was.

"Hey, you missed." Oliver said, stepping out of his spot, and shooting an arrow into the man.

I fired another, putting the man down for good. Oliver released an arrow through the window of the car, Hunt was in. Oliver grabbed Hunt pulling him out of the car, and throwing him on the ground. I had an arrow nocked and readily aimed at Hunt, Oliver did the same as me.

"What? Look, just tell me what you want." Hunt begged.

Oliver grabbed him by his collar.

"You're going to transfer $40 million into Starling City bank account 1141 by 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night." Oliver said.

"Or what?" Hunt asked.

"Or we're going to take it, and you won't like how." Oliver retorted.

Oliver let go of Hunt and we started to walk away.

"If I see you again, you're dead!" Hunt screamed.

I spun around and shot an arrow through the car's back window. In the time it took Hunt to look at the window and then back at us, we were gone.


The next night was Oliver and I's welcome home bash. I threw on a casual outfit, and headed downstairs.

"Hey, Tommy." I said as I entered the living room.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked, while grabbing his tan leather jacket.

"Yup." I smiled.

We headed out the door, and got into Tommy's car. As we got to the party, that was across from Hunt's building. Tommy was a bit confused at first when Oliver and I suggested this place, but he didn't ask any questions. I stayed behind telling Tommy I had to use the restroom, so he went in without me. I was really just waiting for Oliver. When he rounded the corner he smiled seeing my presence. John right behind him.

"Any word from that girl you meet?" I asked.

Oliver gave a confused look, but then quickly shook it off realizing I was asking about Hunt.

"No, not yet." He responded.

"Shall we?" I smiled, making a grand gesture towards the entrance.

We entered a room full of colorful lights and loud music. Oliver pulled out his phone and showed me the time, 9:07 p.m. Hunt had a little under an hour to do as we said. Tommy looked up and noticed us. He walked to us, gesturing to the DJ to cut the music.

"Everybody, Hey!" Tommy yelled, getting the attention of the crowd. "Man and Woman of the hour!"

Everyone in the crowd cheered and raised their glasses.

"And, ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming." Tommy added.

Oliver sent a pitiful side glance. Oliver and I both agreed to keep whatever was going on between us a secret. I knew Oliver didn't want to be that type of person anymore, so I had very little doubt he would do anything. Especially if we had to go after Hunt.

"Thank you very much, everybody!" Oliver yelled, over the crowd.

Tommy handed Oliver and I a shot of tequila. We downed them in seconds.

"I missed tequila!" Oliver screamed, causing the crowd to cheer.


Oliver, Tommy, and I stuck together. Oliver and I grew impatient with Hunt, as we waited for him to make the right decision.

"Hey, does he wipe for you, too?" Tommy asked, but before Oliver could reply. Tommy added, "Now by my rough estimate you have not had sex in 1839 days."

Oliver gave a quick glance in my direction. Thankfully Tommy didn't notice. Tommy and I had this rule about not sleeping with each other's friends. Let's just say Tommy ruined many of my friendships with his crappy sushi pick up lines.

"As you wingman, I highly recommend Carmen Golden." Tommy continued.

"Which one is she?" Oliver asked, as we faced a group of three dancing girls.

"The one that looks like the chick from Twilight." Tommy said.

"What's Twilight?" I asked.

"You're so better off not knowing." Tommy replied.

I saw Oliver glance over at someone. His tone changed completely. I followed his glance to Thea, who looked like she was being given drugs or something.

"Back in a minute." Oliver said as he walked away.


Oliver was gone for a while and it was getting close to ten, so I went into the hallway in hopes of finding him. I saw him after a few minutes of looking. He was talking to Laurel, about something. It seemed pretty serious so I kept my distance. I noticed Oliver take out his phone and look at it. Laurel walked away after talking some more. Oliver looked around and his eyes landed on me. He shook his head. Hunt didn't do it. That bastard is going to get what's coming to him.

Oliver and I were about to leave before John stopped us.

"Something I can help you with, sir?" John asked.

"We just wanted a second to ourselves." Oliver said.

"I would believe you, Mr.Queen, if you weren't so full of crap." John smirked. "Party's this way."

John gestured with his arm. Oliver and I walked to the door. Oliver faked the door being locked.

"It's locked." Oliver sighed.

John reached for the handle, and Oliver knocked him out. Allowing us to make a quick escape.


~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Holy crap you guys surprised me 100 reads, but here we are a week later and already at 200. Wow, words can not express how happy I am. Hopefully this chapter can. Here's a thank you chapter. I just wanna update you guys on how often I'll post. Originally I wanted to do once a week, but since you guys are enjoying this so much, I'll try to do twice a week. I'm not going to say what days, because it really matters how much homework I have. Also if I don't post again before Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving! If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving then happy holidays. Again seriously guys thanks so much for reading my story and all the support. ~~

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