Chapter 5

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I woke up early, and left a note in the kitchen saying I was going to hang out with Oliver today. I got to the Queen's mansion and headed straight to Oliver's room. He was already up staring intently at his computer screen. He glanced up real quick and nodded in acknowledgement. I walked behind him and looked at the screen. The screen was cluttered with information about Adam Hunt. He flipped over a book his father gave him, it was full of names. I'm assuming it's some kind of list. He mentioned the book on the island a few times, but never went into depth about it. We were both broken out of thought.

"You are different. Not like you two to read a book." Raisa said, walking into the room with a tray.

Olivier pressed a button on the computer shutting all the tabs, and he closed the book.

"I missed you, Raisa." Oliver smiled.

"No kitchen on the island." Raisa said.

"No. No friends either." Oliver stood up and took the tray from Raisa. "Thank you."

"Do I really seem different?" Oliver asked.

"No. You're still a good boy." Raisa smiled.

"I think we all know I wasn't." Oliver said.

"But a good heart." Raisa grinned.

"I hope so." Oliver sighed. "I wanna be the person you always told me I could be."


Oliver and I headed out the door.

"Oliver, I wanna introduce you to someone." Mrs.Queen said, walking towards us.

Walter and another man close behind.

"John Diggle. He'll be accompanying you for now on." She continued.

I glanced over John. His stature screaming ex military.

"I don't need a babysitter." Oliver joked.

"Darling, Oliver's a grown man. If he doesn't feel he needs armed protection-" Walter started.

"I understand, but this is something I need." She cut off Walter.

Oliver gave in, defeated. He looked at me.

"I'll see you later." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

While hugging he whispered where to meet him in my ear. I smiled knowing John would have his hands full. I walked over to my motorcycle, threw my helmet on.


I pulled up to where Oliver said to meet. It was his dad's old factory. I heard some rattling on a fence, saw Oliver scale it in a heartbeat. I smiled, grabbing one of his bags, as we headed into the factory. We opened the doors to see garbage scattered on the floor. The factory was a mess. Man, did we have some work to do. Oliver bent down picking up one of the magazines. It had his father's face on it. He stared at thinking.

We worked long and hard. Destroying walls, and building new ones. In the end we had the perfect setup for our work. Oliver sharpened arrows as I searched for more on Adam Hunt. After we finished we started to train.

We sparred with bamboo rods. Going slow at first finding rhythm, then turning into a full out fight. I pinned him to the floor using my knees to pin his wrists.

"Gotcha." I smiled, out of breath.

We both had ridiculous grins one our faces, as I sat there straddling Oliver. I had dropped my guard and he noticed. His eyes locked with mine as a devious grin appeared on his face. He flipped me, causing me to land on my back. He pinned my arms with his hands, and his body weight to pin the rest of my body.

"I got you now." He smirked, sweat dripping off his body.

He leaned down his face so close to mine I felt his warm breath.

"Now what are you going to do?" He smiled.

"I don't know, I kinda like the view." I flirted.

"Really, my view is even better." He said, a small blush formed on my checks.


After we finished sparring, Oliver pulled out a case. In it lies our bow and arrows from the island. I grabbed bow and arrows. I stood prepared for the targets to drop. Oliver let the tennis balls fall as I shot each one with deadly accuracy.


We started to look deeper into Adam Hunt, finding a news report on him.

"The suit alleges that Hunt committed multiple acts of fraud and theft against the city's underprivileged. Laurel Lance, an attorney for the city necessary..."

I started to tune it out as I pieced the puzzle together. Oliver wanted to go after Hunt not only because he might be a treat to Laurel, but because he was on the list. Hunt's downfall would be beneficial to the whole city. His crimes go deeper than fraud and theft, but he's been able to bully, bribe or kill anyone who's gotten into his way. He hasn't met us yet.

We suited up into our green hoods, and grabbed our bows. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I know this chapter is a little shorter than others but I really wanted to end it here. Any way I hope you all had a good week, talk to you next week. Maybe a little sooner because of Thanksgiving. Have good day.~~

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