Chapter 49

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Oliver still didn't want me out in the field yet, so we came to a compromise. I prove to him I'm perfectly fit to go out into the field, and he'll drop it. Grabbing two bamboo sticks, I got into stance. Oliver stood in front of me, holding up his two sticks. He set me an 'are you ready' look. I nodded, and initiated the first move. I striked quickly with one stick, he easily blocked it with both his sticks. I used my other stick and swept it under his feet, causing him to fall. I quickly placed a bamboo stick to his neck.

"Am I clear now?" I asked.

My guard started to lower, and he nodded.

"You two might want to take it easy if you plan on taking someone off that list tonight." Diggle said.

Oliver and I exchanged a look and smiled.

"This is us taking it easy." I stood, pulling Oliver up with me.

"So who's our lucky guy tonight?" Diggle asked as I pulled on a shirt.

"Ken Williams." Oliver answered, and we walked over to Felicity, who had been silently working on the computer.

"His pyramid scheme stole millions. People didn't just lose their homes. Their lives were ruined." I continued.

"Why do you two call it early tonight?" We're not expecting much trouble." Oliver tossed me my hood, and threw on his.

We headed to the door. I pulled on the handle but it wouldn't budge. Oliver reached out testing it himself. My eyes locked on the now red security system on the door. I entered the code but to no avail. The door wouldn't move, and I had an idea of the culprit. Oliver led me back into the main room.

"Felicity. Did you just-" Oliver started but was cut off.

"Computer override your lock." She turned in her chair to face us. "Maybe a little."

I smiled, unable to contain it. I liked her, things like this are exactly why.

"What are you doing?"

"I pulled up some information on Mr.Williams. Did you know he's a widowed father of a ten year old boy? I told you, I'm only in this to help find Walter not to be an accessory to orphaning little kids."

"We're just giving him a warning." Oliver said, as I stayed quiet.

"Has it ever occurred to you, you could do some real good in this city? Beyond just recovering people's stock portfolios and their savings accounts."

Oliver reached forward clicking a button that unlocked the door.

"You're not the only one who knows how to reboot our system."

Felicity's eyes went to the floor, all fight that she once had leaving.

"I made a mistake."

"Getting in our way? I don't disagree."

"No. Signing on with you, even provisionally." Her fight came back and she stood from her seat.

She walked out the door, leaving Oliver, Diggle, and I.


Slade's condition declined rapidly. Oliver tried giving him water, but he refused. Oliver had looked at the wound on his arm. It wasn't pretty. A nasty infection. Slade's body was covered in sweat, and he was shaking. Oliver stood, grabbing a knife.

"Where are you going?" I broke my silence.

"Yao Fei had these super herbs back in the cave that'd heal anything. I'm gonna go get them."

I rose to my feet grabbing my knife.

"You're staying." I sent Oliver a questioning look. "Slade's gonna need someone to help him get water and food."

I nodded, and sat back down.


Oliver had chosen our next target, the Dodger, after I convinced him to go see Felicity. I meet him, Diggle, and Felicity at big belly burger.

"So to catch this guy, we need to either figure out where he is, or where he is going to be." Oliver said, after catching me up.

"Is this really how you guys figure out how to get your target, over burgers and shakes?" Felicity asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Sorry it took me so long." Carly came up giving Diggle his coffee. "I'm waiting on a bunch of particularly rowdy customers."

"You need me to handle that?" Diggle asked.

"I appreciate it, but I'm a pro by now."

"I'll be here if you need me?" Diggle smiled as Carly walked away.

"Girlfriend?" Felicity looked towards Diggle.

"No, sister in law. Sort of."

Felicity looked toward Oliver and I, questioningly.

"Carly was married to Dig's brother. And he passed away." Oliver answered.

"Well, she looks like she's hot for you." Felicity directed her words to Diggle.

"Can we get back to crime fighting, please?" Diggle tried to change the topic.

"Actually, Dig I was thinking you probably should ask her out." Oliver smiled at his friend.

At some point Oliver and I's hands linked under the table.

"Really? I'll do it after you take (Y/n) to dinner."

Oliver and I exchanged a look, we never really told Diggle.

"Oh come on, the way you two look at each other is a dead give away." Felicity stepped in.

"I don't see you asking Carly out?" Oliver leaned back in the chair smiling.

Diggle looked at me expectantly.

"Go, I want free food." I joked, smiling at Diggle.

He stood from his chair making his way to Carly. Felicity, Oliver and I resumed our conversation.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry this is published a little late, I started to feel really sick in the middle of writing it a few hours ago so I had to step away. Any way, Have a good day. See ya Sunday. Be good people.~~

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