Chapter 14

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Oliver and I peered over the edge of the balcony, as we watched Warren Patel be escorted away by a police officer. Detective Lance had the whole place surrounded by police.

"I told you he'd listen." I smirked.

Oliver let a small laugh escape his mouth.

"Let's go and join the auction." Oliver said.

"And what exactly am I supposed to say when asked why I'm here. It's not like my dad is in the auction." I asked.

"I have an idea." Oliver said.

Before I could ask more, Oliver placed his hand on the small of my back and led me down the stairs. We were making our way to John when Mr.Lance cut us off.

"Well don't you two scrub up nice?" Mr.Lance said.

"Here to support my family." Oliver smiled.

"Yeah, me too. God help me." Mr.Lance sighed.

"Thank you." Oliver said.

"And why are you here, (Y/n)?" Mr.Lance directed his attention to me.

"Oh, uh." I started, but paused when Oliver wrapped his arm around my waist.

"(Y/n)'s my plus one." Oliver smiled, down at me.

Mr.Lance scoffed and walked away. Even after Mr.Lance left, Oliver kept his arm around me.

"Ollie, I thought-" I started.

"(Y/n) it's time we stop hiding things, don't you think? I mean we already have a pretty big secret, we might as well let some of it off our chest." Oliver smiled.

I smiled in response, as Oliver started leading me somewhere else. We passed a few people, and then we saw John. We walked over to John.

"Dig, got your eyes open?" Oliver asked.

"That's what I'm here for, Sir. That and answering patronizing questions." John responded.

"This guys out of time, if he's gonna do something it's gonna happen before the auction." Oliver sighed, tightening his arm around my waist.

"Sir?" John asked, confused by Oliver's statement.

"I heard the story on the radio." Oliver lied.

John made a strange face, but before he could ask more Walter cut in.

"Oliver." Walter said, grabbing Oliver's attention.

We walked closer to Walter to continue the conversation.

"So pleased you two were able to attend." Walter grinned, as he looked at Oliver's hand on my waist.

"Walter, the police said that some of the Unidac bidders were murdered. I just think that we should be a little bit more careful. My mother's already lost a husband." Oliver said.

"Well, if Moira shared your concern she wouldn't have come, and she definitely wouldn't have brought your sister." Walter continued.

Oliver gazed over to his mother and sister, he pulled me over to them.

"Hi." Oliver said.

"Oliver, (Y/n). What a wonderful surprise." Mrs.Queen smiled.

Oliver gestured to John to come over.

"I need you to get them out of here right now." Oliver demanded, once John was by their side.

I looked over to Walter, as I saw a red dot appear on his suit. I moved out of Oliver's arm and ran over to Walter, pushing him down to the ground as the sound of a gunshot rang. I looked over to Oliver. He was rushing his mom, sister and John out the door. Another shot was fired taking down another person. Mr.Lance rushed over to Walter and I, as more gunshots rang through the building.

"We need to get you out of here." He rushed.

"Take Walter, I'll be right behind you." I said, as more gunshots rang out.

Once Detective Lance got Walter out, I followed the plan Oliver and I made. I ran up to where we hid our suits, meeting Oliver half way. We ran up the steps grabbing our suits from inside the trash bin we hid them in. Oliver tossed me my hood, and he grabbed his.


Oliver and I burst through one of the windows by Lawton. We fired arrow after arrow taking cover every time we reloaded. Lawton doing the same. Oliver and I moved from our spot hiding in a new area, as Lawton tried to get the jump on us. Lawton made himself wide open, and Oliver took advantage of that attacking him. Oliver got pinned, so I made my presence known. I grabbed Lawton and threw him onto a table causing it to shatter. Lawton fired a shot grazing my thigh, causing my leg to give out. I fell to the ground, blood oozing from my leg. Lawton and Oliver fought, Oliver losing his bow in the process. I took this moment to take cover. Oliver pushed Lawton away grabbing his bow.

"Lower your guns." Oliver said, as he hid behind a pillar.

"I admire your work. I guess you two won't be extending me any professional courtesy." Lawton sighed.

"We're not in the same line of work. Your profession is murder." I hissed.

"You've taken lives." Lawton countered.

"For the good of others. You're out for yourself." Oliver said.

Lawton fired shots towards me. Oliver took this moment to fire an arrow into Lawton putting him down for the count.

"You okay?" Oliver asked, as he walked out from his spot.

"Just peachy." I winced as I stood, wobbling towards Oliver.

Our attention was grabbed by the sound of someone groaning. Our eyes locked on John standing in the doorway, blood pouring from his chest. Oliver ran over, helping John stand. Oliver and I locked eyes and in that moment we decided on something risky. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Nearly 800 reads! You guys are amazing. Thank you so much. Have good day. Be good people.~~

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