Chapter 40

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Oliver was out on a mission. He told me he didn't need me this time, so I didn't push. He's had a rough few days. Thea got arrested, for being under the influence while driving. She had taken a newer drug in the Glades. Vertigo. Oliver's been trying to find the producer. I've helped as much I can, but Oliver's shut himself into a bubble. I wasn't too concerned, he's done it before and he's better without someone bugging him. Still, I made sure he knew I was here. Hearing footsteps, I spun my chair to face the steps. Oliver appeared hood down, and grease paint smudge from sweat.

"Found what you're looking for?" I asked.

"Took down three Vertigo pushers tonight. Last one finally knew a name. The Count."

"The Count? That's worse than The Hoods." Diggle said, walking in.

"You're not going back out there." I noticed Oliver preparing to leave again.

"I'm not done for the night. Whoever this Count is, he has a lot of blood on his hands and it is long past time he started paying."

"Well, slow down, I think you're missing the point here."

"What?" Oliver thought for a few seconds, realizing what he had forgotten. "Thea."

"Her hearing's in a few hours. You think she cares more about some drug lord getting his justice or you being by her side." Diggle added.

Oliver nodded heading to put his gear away. Diggle sat down next to me, as I scanned over the computer screens. I could feel him watching me.

"What, Diggle?" I asked, not removing my eyes from the screen.

"You should go home, you've been up all night babysitting." Diggle said.

"I have work to do." I needed to find something on the Count, anything.

"I'm not suggesting, I'm telling you. (Y/n), go home."

I sighed standing up, knowing Diggle wouldn't let it go.

"Just watch the algorithms, I have set up. They should hopefully find something on the Count." I grabbed my coat, and headed for the door. "See you tomorrow, Diggle."

"(Y/n)." Diggle said, stopping me in my tracks.

"Yeah?" I turned to face him.

"My friends call me Dig." He smiled, clearly referring to me as a friend.

"Well, then goodnight, Dig." I smiled back and then left.


Thea's trial was in about an hour, and I was going to go. I picked out a semi-formal long sleeved outfit. Since I've gotten back from the island I've tried my hardest to keep my scars hidden. Not only did they bug me, they would most likely cause Tommy and my dad to see me differently. To see me as broken. Dig's seen some of them thanks to my workout fits, but Dig was a different story. I made my way to my bike, and headed to the trial.

Noticing Oliver the second I entered, I headed to sit next to him. When I reached his side, he looked up at me. I smiled slightly, sitting down.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, in a hushed voice.

"I figured I would be a pretty crappy girlfriend, if I let you go through this alone." I joked, in the same hush tone.

I then took his hand and held it in mine. He squeezed my hand as a thank you. Then the trial began.

"Docket ending 1-10-5-6, People vs. Thea Dearden Queen. Possession of a controlled substance, driving under the influence of a controlled substance." A police officer said, then handed the judge a paper.

"Counselors, I understand you've reached a plea agreement." The judge said.

"We have, Your Honor." Thea's attorney stood. "Given that my client is a juvenile the people have generously agreed to probation."

"Juvenile?" The judge questioned. "It says right here she's 18."

"She is 18 now, Your Honor. But at the time of her arrest she was still two days shy of her 18th birthday. Miss. Queen has no priors."

"Well, just because Miss.Queen's family sweeps her priors under the rug doesn't mean they don't exist. You get your client off and you help your boss avoid dealing with the drug that's sweeping across our city like a plague. Everyone wins, except us the people of Starling City."

"Your Honor, with all due respect-"

The judge cut off Thea's attorney and addressed her.

"Miss.Queen, like it or not you are now the poster child for this menace. Maybe if people see that the Queen family can't get away with using Vertigo they'll think twice about using it themselves."

Oh, no. This isn't going to end as we hoped it would. Oliver's hand tightened, as he realized as well. I looked over at him, as hid his emotions. My face softened, as Mrs.Queen looked over at Oliver then me. She looked at our hands, and sent a grateful gaze. Her face revealed that she was thankful that I was here for her son. Her face went stoic as she looked forward again, at the judge. I looked forward as well.

"The plea arrangement is denied."

Thea looked back towards her family, knowing that this wasn't good.

"This case will proceed to trial."

Her face went fearful at his final words. I sent her a pitiful glance, as chatter started to fill the courtroom. 

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. Hope you all had a good week, see ya Sunday. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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