Chapter 30

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"So, did you steal that or did Lance give us a Christmas present?" Oliver asked, walking in as I examined the arrow under a microscope.

"Lance." I said, focused on the arrow and still not really wanting to talk to Oliver.

Once we got the archer off the street, I could go back to pretending Oliver never came off the island and live a normal life with my family. Well as normal as it could get. Tommy and Dad were still at each other's throats, whenever Tommy was actually home. I didn't even realize it was Christmas until Oliver said something. There were no decorations around the house, absolutely nothing. Granted our Christmas was never something big, since Mom died, but we still had a tree and few decorations up. Mom. I wonder how she would feel about this, not just everything with The Hoods, but between Dad and Tommy, and Christmas. My mind wondered as I thought about my mom.

"So, got anything on the arrow?" Diggle asked.

I didn't even notice he entered the room. I looked up from the microscope.

"Teflon-coated titanium blade serrated to split the bone. Shaft is some type of specialized polymer which is stronger than your typical carbon fiber." I gestured with the arrow. "This is a custom job."

"I may have found a pattern with the archer. He's killed Adam Hunt, and Nelson Ravich." Diggle said looking at Oliver.

Nelson Ravich? Why does he sound familiar?

"Both of which you've crossed off the list." Diggle said, curing my confusion. "So is this guy trying to frame you, or call you out?"

"Either way, we need to find him." Oliver answered.


The Queen family decided to throw a last minute Christmas party. Seeing it as my only chance to be with Tommy during the holidays I went. At the moment I was standing with Diggle waiting for Oliver.

"I see the halls are decked." Oliver said, walking up to Diggle and I.

"You okay?" Diggle asked, noticing a slight limp in Oliver's walking.

"I'll manage. Is everyone having a good time?" Oliver brushed off Diggle's concerns.

"You sure you wanna do this? Maybe now is not the best time for you to be Martha Stewart's elf." Diggle pressed.

"My family needs this party, Diggle. Which means that I need it." Oliver answered.

The door opened behind us and I gestured with my head towards the man who entered.

"Hey, dude. Thea invited me. I hope that's cool." Oliver sent a questioning glance at the flowers in the boy's hand. "These are for your mom."

Oliver turned around and looked at Diggle and I, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

"Smooth." I whispered as I walked away from the group to find Tommy.

I looked around noticing Laurel and Tommy walk in. Tommy found me right away, coming straight to me Laurel close to his side.

"Merry Christmas, Lil' sis." Tommy smiled knowing I despised being called that.

"Merry Christmas." I said, shaking my head as a smile played on my lips.

We quickly hugged. I looked back to Laurel as a wave of anger hit me. For a second I had forgotten everything. I couldn't blame Laurel for what happened, after all we never told her or Tommy. Still I hated her guts. Plus if I said something it would hurt Tommy. I felt a presence by my side, looking over I saw Oliver. He said his hellos, and gave both of them a hug.

"So how long do guys think it'll be until this isn't so weird?" Tommy said, breaking the ice that had formed in our conversation.

"It's not weird at all." Oliver said.

Causing Tommy, Laurel, and himself to laugh. I softly smiled.

"You guys mind if I talk to Oliver for a minute?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, we can go grab some drinks." Tommy said, leading me away from Laurel and Oliver.

When we reached the bar Tommy ordered a few drinks.

"Spill it." Tommy said, looking me dead in the eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw the way you acted around Laurel and Oliver. What did they do?" Tommy questioned.

"Tommy nothing happened."

"(Y/n) I practically taught you how to lie, so I know when you are. Come on you can tell me anything."

My mind started to stir from his words, causing repressed emotions to surface. The wound that seemingly heeled, now felt fresh again.

"I really don't want to talk about it." My voice wavered, causing Tommy's face to soften.

"Okay, but I'll all ears when you're ready." He softly smiled.

"I'll be right back." I said, walking off to ease my mind.


Wandered the mansion, my head still spinning. My body went on autopilot as I continued to walk. I rounded a corner almost bumping into someone.

"Oh, sorry." I said, breaking out of my trance, noticing it was Mrs.Queen.

"It's fine." She halfheartedly smiled. "The party's back that way."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to get away from the noise for a few minutes." I slightly smiled.

"Okay, see you back at the party." Mrs.Queen went to leave. "(Y/n)?

"Yes, Mrs.Queen?" I smiled, looking at her.

"Whatever my son did, please find it in your heart to forgive him. You are one of the best things that has happened to him." She said, taking her leave.

My eyes filled with shock, as my mind started again. Was I really one of the best things that has happened to Oliver? The nagging thought of forgiving him surfaced. Could I really be able to put all that he's done behind me and forget about Laurel and Helena?

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy early Friday. I've been up since early this morning writing this for you guys. This was kind of a rushed chapter so forgive any grammar mistakes. Have a good day. See you guys on Sunday. Be good people.~~

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