Chapter 13

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I didn't have much to do. Since Tommy was out with Oliver, and Dad was working. My stomach started to growl with hunger. Not really wanting to make anything, I headed to the Big Belly Burger. I ordered a burger and some fries, along with a milkshake.

I sat there picking at my fries, when I heard the door open. Tommy, Oliver and John walked in. Tommy and Oliver looked like they just got into a fight. Tommy noticed me, and nudged Oliver. Drawing Oliver's attention to me. I gave them a soft wave, and they came over and sat with me. John walked over to a waitress, presumably to order.

"You two look like crap." I smiled, pushing my leftover fries to the two of them.

No one responded. There was an awkward silence between the two, like something had happened.

"Look, man, about Laurel." Tommy said, breaking the deafening silence. "I was gonna tell you. I was just trying to figure out the right way."

"To tell somebody that you slept with their girlfriend, after they went missing and were then presumed dead." Oliver said, then smiled. "What, there's no greeting card for that?"

Both of them laughed, and I shook my head. Nothing could ever break the friendship between Oliver and Tommy. They were thick as thieves.

"Look, it was wrong. And I'm sorry." Tommy said, becoming serious again.

"Tommy. I was dead." Oliver said.

"No, man, you were with Laurel. And whether you were dead, or as it turns out alive on a deserted island, you are my friend. And me being with Laurel violated that friendship in about 50 different ways." Tommy protested.

"Thank you, but it's okay." Oliver countered.

"You are being really chill about this." Tommy said, but was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said, picking up the phone.

I said a few things in Russian, realizing it was the man from the garage. I looked at Tommy and Oliver. Oliver locking eyes with me, realizing I was up to something. As far as he knew, he only knew of the poison, and the code name Deadshot. Oliver didn't know I had tracked him down to the Bratva, and that that was who I was talking to now.

"I gotta go." I said, and stood up leaving.

When I left the building, I resumed the phone call.

"So I checked out?" I asked.

"You did." The man said. "His name is Floyd Lawton. I have an address. Where he stayed last time, he was in Starling City. But that is all."

"Let's hope he's a creature of habit. Go." I said, ready to memorize the address.

"1700 Broadway Papp Motel, room 52." He said. "You'll leave us out of this, yes? Assuming Mr.Lawton doesn't kill you first."

I hung up shoving the phone into my pocket.


I stared at the door, the number 52 on it. I kicked open the door, seeing Lawton sitting at a desk with a computer on it. I fired an arrow missing Lawton as he grabbed a gun. He released fire, and I took cover behind the door. He paused to reload, and I took this opportunity to fire a few more arrows. Lawton lifted the mattress to the bed to create a shield. He fired again causing me to have to take cover again. I heard glass shatter as he jumped out a window, escaping me. Finding it useless to chase him I grabbed the bullet littered laptop on the desk, and made my way back to the base.


I entered our base to see Oliver already there. His arms crossed against his chest.

"Where were you?" He asked, seeing that I was in my suit.

"Tracking Deadshot." I answered, not wanting to explain everything.

"What's that?" He said, pointing to the laptop in my hand.

"His laptop, it's littered in bullet holes and probably doesn't work. However, we could probably bring it to a specialist, and they could maybe get the memory off it." I responded, setting the laptop down.

"I'll go do that tomorrow." Oliver said. "Why were you out there alone? I could've helped."

"You seemed kind of wrapped up with Tommy, and I figured I could handle it alone." I said, placing my bow down and unzipping my suit.

"(Y/n), you could've gotten hurt." Oliver sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right I should've told you." I said, not understanding Oliver's concerns, after all we were trapped on an island for 5 years. I could handle myself. "Let me know what you find on the laptop, I'm gonna go home."

I walked out the door.


I was sitting in my room, reading a book. When I heard my phone ringing. I answered, seeing that it was Oliver.

"Lawton plans on hitting the auction tomorrow. The building is surrounded by three towers with eye lines into the building. Lawton can get his kill shot off from virtually anywhere. We aren't enough to cover the whole area, we can't protect all his targets. We can't do this alone." Oliver explained.

"I have an idea. What if we get Detective Lance's help?" I asked.

"You know he'll never do it, he hates the vigilantes." Oliver said.

"I can still try." I responded. "I'll call you later and let you know how it goes."


I watched as Detective Lance walked outside of the police station. When I made sure there was no one else around, I moved out of my hiding spot. In one quick movement I had the detective pinned against a cop car.

"Bitch." He grunted, as he struggled under my grip.

"Detective, quiet." I said.

"You've got a pair on you, pulling this right in front of a police station." He growled.

"Floyd Lawton's the one targeting the buyers interested in Unidac Industries. Interpol calls him Deadshot, because he never misses. You can look this up after I go." I stated.

"Yeah, and stop chasing you and your boyfriend, I suppose?" He hissed.

Ignoring his comment, I continued. "Warren Patel hired Lawton. My partner and I can't be sure who they're targeting. It might be all the buyers, and we can't protect them in a space that big. We need your help."

"Yeah? More like professional help." He quipped.

"Lawton laces his bullets with curare. Tell your men to wear Kevlar." I said, starting to get impatient with his stubbornness.

The detective started saying something, but I ignored him. Putting the laptop, that I found with Lawton, on the hood of the police car, and making my exit.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Hope all of you are doing well. With the holidays in the next week or so, my updating schedule will change. I'll let you know the schedule soon. Be good people.~~

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