Chapter 50

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Slade and stayed quiet for a while, both of us fairly new to each other. He was getting sicker by the minute, if Oliver didn't come back Slade would most likely die. Every few minutes I would offer him water, but I would get the same grumble in response. He wasn't great company. I guess years on this island does that to you. When Oliver finally came back he gave Slade the herbs. Something with Oliver felt off but I didn't press.


Keeping up on his end of the deal, Oliver and I had the night to ourselves. Oliver chose a fairly new restaurant and we enjoyed each other's company. We were nearing the end of the dinner, sharing a chocolate lava cake. When we were interrupted by a call from Felicity. Oliver answered, and sent me we gotta go look. We quickly left, leaving the money for the bill, and making it to the base. Felicity found a lead on the guy we were hunting, the Dodger. We quickly suited up heading to the destination. We sat in the back, hidden, watching the scene unfold.

"Nice place you have here." A man who I assume to be the Dodger spoke.

"Well, thank you." A woman said.

"Tell me. Does every fence in this town hire muscle?"

"I did as soon as I heard about what you did to Cass Derenick."

"Oh, yes, Cass. God rest his soul. He wasn't a very nice man. He tried to steal from me. I've heard that you have a better sense of judgement and that you have no trouble in moving this." The Dodger opened a case revealing a ruby.

"Well, it's only a recession for some people." She examined the ruby before speaking again. "I take a fifteen percent commission off the top."

"Let's call it twelve, shall we? Obviously, I don't have to remind you about what happened to the last person who tried to screw me over."

Before anything more could happen, the sound of police flooding the area made its way to my ears.

"SCPD! Grab the floor!" A detective yelled.

Gunfire ensued, chaos followed. Oliver and I watched as the Dodger ran, for an exit. We followed behind, stopping him in his tracks.

"Come quietly." Oliver commanded.

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline."

"Then I'm afraid you won't be going to jail." Oliver shot an arrow at the Dodger, but he dodged it.

I jumped down making my way to him. I got close to his hidden spot and aimed an explosive arrow at his spot. Before I could shoot he threw something my way and within seconds there was an explosion. I quickly moved. Luckily for me Oliver got the jump on him, and knocked him out. We strung up the Dodger for the police to get him, and left heading back to base.


We've been taking bad guys out right and left. Oliver was out on a mission, and I stayed back at the base. Felicity requested that I help train her. Something about wanting to protect herself. We spared and I took it easy not wanting to harm her. I knocked her to the ground easily.

"The trick is to keep your weight evenly distributed." I suggested.

"I thought the trick was to avoid getting into fights."

"Yeah, well, Starling City's not the kind of place where you can talk your way out of trouble." I walked away grabbing a water bottle. "Besides, if you're gonna be working with us it'll put us at ease knowing you can handle yourself. At least a little bit."

Oliver entered putting our conversation to a halt.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Badly for him."

"Who him?" Felicity questioned.

"An assassin for hire with an affinity for knives. His name was Guillermo Barrera."

"So we can't ask him about his intended target." I sighed.

"No, which is why I need you to hack his phone." Oliver handed the phone to Felicity. "Barrera's world-class. He kills high profile targets. And whatever job he was hired for isn't finished. We need to figure out who he was here to kill and fast. They're probably still in danger."

Oliver headed for the door leaving and I stayed behind, helping Felicity.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Holy crap we made it to 50 chapters. Thank you all for the support ya'll are amazing people. I've been working on a story on the side, and I finally finished it. I will be posting it on Thursday, and it would be awesome if you guys checked it out. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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