Chapter 43

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I felt steel under my back as my consciousness reawakened. With my awakening pain began the surge through my body. I turned my head to side watching as Oliver opened the case from on the island. He grabbed a bag of herbs and mixed it in a bowl. A new wave of pain hit, and my vision blurred. I let out a small grunt, unable to contain the pain. The world went blurry and when I felt a presence by me I panicked. I reached my hand out finding the person's neck, and squeezing with what little might I had. Their hand grabbed my wrist tightly. Another presence held my hand down, and when I went to use the other, they easily stopped it. One of them said something, but I was unable to focus as the pain grew. I felt a bowl reach my lips, and with seemingly no other option I drank the contents. Pain was the only thing I could feel. My body trembled, my screams echoed. Darkness soon embraced me, and I happily accepted.


I watched as Ya Fei kicked and punched Oliver. Oliver made no move of defense, no sign of fighting back. Ya Fei soon had Oliver in a headlock. Oliver's face turned red from lack of air. I wanted to help, but with nearly 30 armed men around, I figured I would do more harm than good. This would be my fate. I was next, I was going to die. Oliver's eyes meet mine for one last time. I sent him a sorrowful look. I would see him again soon, we would be reunited. Hopefully. His body went limp, and a small tear fell down my face.


Feeling in my body began to return. First it was my hands, then my feet. Gradually everything began to awaken. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by light. I went to shield my eyes, but found my hand cuffed to the table.

"Sleeping beauty's finally awake." Diggle's voice was playful, his face soon came in view. "How are you feeling?"

Thanks to my other hand being free, I sat up. I groaned as my body protested.

"I feel like I'm getting the worst hangover of my life." My voice faltered slightly, as the protests of my body became stronger.

"That coming from a girl who spent most of her 20s in a hangover, that's really saying something."

"Do you think you can uncuff me?" I asked, gesturing to the cuffs.

Diggle hesitated, glancing at the cuffs.

"I'm not going to kill you." I said, remembering everything that happened.

Diggle walked forward uncuffing my hand. I got to my feet, my body ached, but I stayed on my feet.

"You're standing. That's pretty impressive." Diggle tossed me a shirt. "The Count only got you with half a dose but you still sweated out a small swimming pool coming down."

"The Count." My arms seared in pain as I lifted them to put the shirt on. "Any chance that our friends at the SCPD took him down?"

"None at all, but we did manage to get this." Diggle said, gesturing with the syringe. "I think we should analyze it."

I went to leave, needing to find more on The Count.

"Listin, (Y/n), maybe you need to give it a few hours. A near drug overdose isn't something you just walk away from."

"Neither is Thea." I said, walking away.

As I was leaving I received a text from Tommy. 'Meet me at the Queen's in 10.' I started my bike and was about to put on my helmet, when I got another text from Oliver. 'Get to my house, now.' I furrowed my brows. What was going on? Then it clicked. Thea. I quickly pulled out from my spot and took all the shortcuts I knew, making it to the mansion in 13 minutes. I walked in, and was greeted by Detective Lance, and McKenna Hall. Oliver had mentioned she was on The Count's case. She used to be in our class, before the island. I scanned the room seeing Tommy, Oliver, and Mrs.Queen. Tommy was looking at the floor ringing his hands. Something happened.

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