Chapter 34

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I entered the Queen household, seeing Mrs.Queen briskly walk up the steps. She was clearly upset, so I smiled trying to be nice. This was the first time that I was at the Queen's since the night of the party. Mrs.Queen looked at me and in her eyes I saw acknowledgement, and a form of gratitude. I entered the family room, seeing Thea and Oliver both of which were taken aback by something. Probably to do with Mrs.Queen. My mind reminded me of why I was here in the first place. I quickly made up a lie to get Oliver's attention.

"Ollie, we're going to have to get going if you wanna make the reservation." I said, as he turned towards me.

His glance showed he was confused, but it must've clicked as his face turned to understanding. We walked out of the room as I caught Oliver up.

"Eyewitnesses placed a '72 Ford pickup at the scene of Danny De La Vega's fire."


"Stagg Chemical lit up ten minutes ago, I hacked into Stagg's video security feeds. Parked right on the street running along the plant."

"The same pickup." Oliver finished what I was saying.

"Diggle's got our gear in the car."

I continued walking, but Oliver stopped. I turned to look at him. Of the two of us to be hesitant of going back in the field, I wouldn't of expected it to be him.

"Oliver, by the time I get someone on the phone who will even listen to me, at least one of those fireman are going to be dead. They need us."


We sat in the cold as we tried to start a fire. The fire quickly ignited as we placed our hands near it to warm our hands. It seemed as though the world didn't wanna give us a break. The sound of leaves crunching caused both Oliver and I to look the way of it. I quickly smothered the fire with dirt. We quickly hid as a man stepped out.

"I have contact. Two clicks southwest." He said, into a walkie talkie, as he noticed our fire.


We quickly entered the burning building to see a firefighter dangling from a railing and another man standing above him. The scene kind of reminded me of The Lion King. If we played our cards right, Oliver could quickly take down the guy and I could grab the one on the railing. Oliver didn't move fast enough and the firefighter fell into the fire below. Oliver made his way to the man. There was something off in Oliver's fighting. The man started to get the best of him, knocking Oliver to the ground. I rushed over, as the man threw a fire grenade at Oliver's feet. I quickly pulled Oliver away from the fire.

When we made it back to the base, something with Oliver was really off. He didn't bother to turn the lights on, or even to take off his suit. He found his way to a spot on the floor, and sat there in silence. I gave him some space, but has the minutes turned to hours. I realized that he would stay here all night in this state. I made my way over to sit next to him. Glancing at him, he avoided my gaze. The bow in his hands, seemingly more interesting than talking to me. I reached out and silently took the bow from his hands, with zero protest. Setting the bow beside me, I noticed his hands shaking. My hands wrapped around his, holding them steady. We sat like that for a few minutes. I moved my body to sit in the opposite direction of Oliver, so I could look at him better. Concern started to grow inside me, I've never seen Oliver the way he is now. Was this all because of the fireman who we failed to save? No, it couldn't be. He was like this before that happened, I was just too blind to see. I pushed him into the field, when he wasn't ready. The silence started to eat away at me as I found more reasons to blame myself. I couldn't do this to myself, not now. Oliver needs me, I need to help him. I broke the silence saying to only words that would come to mind.

"I'm sorry."

He looked up at me for the first time. His face still covered by his hood, and grease paint. His blue eyes showed fear, and sadness. Fear? Was he still afraid of what happened? Before my thoughts could finish he finally spoke.

"I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I just stood there parallelized as he beat you, and by the time I realized what was happening you were dying." His voice broke at the end.

"Ollie, I told you I'm fine and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I reassured, my voice soft and soothing.

"No, you don't understand. I held you in my arms as your breaths faded. Your heart beat slowed. I thought I lost you." At first he sounded angry, but as he continued I realized he was sobbing.

I reached my hands to his face, pulled down his hood. His blue eyes met mine, and my heart broke for him. I wiped the tears from his face, as well as the streaks of grease paint. I pulled him in for an embrace, as his face found the crook of my neck. We sat there in silence as the occasional sniffle broke it. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Nothing to say today. I hope you all enjoy your day. Have a good day. Be good people~~

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