Chapter 57

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Oliver and I came up on a small lead and Diggle was carrying it through, as we stayed back. Oliver and I were upstairs, while Felicity worked on finding more leads. Oliver worked on some paperwork for the club and I stocked shelves. I opened a box of alcohol. Vodka. One of the only alcohols I could stand. I guess I could thank the Bratva for that. I glanced over the shelves looking for where the vodka belonged. My eyes locked onto the same bottle sitting on the top shelf. I grabbed three bottles and walked over to the shelf. I placed one after another and repeated till the shelf was nearly stocked. I grabbed the final bottle and reached up to place it on the shelf. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and chin rested on my shoulder. I tensed up slightly, then relaxed as I recognized his scent.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as I set the final bottle down.

"Hugging my girlfriend." His voice was playful.

I leaned back into his arms and he buried his face into my neck. We stood like this for a while before I turned to face him. I smiled as he did the same. His eyes fluttered to my lips and a devilish smile played on his lips. He locked his lips to mine. We grew hungrier as it deepened. He grabbed my waist and pushed my backwards into the shelves. We separated for a second, both of us looking into each others eyes. We haven't had a moment to ourselves in awhile. I reconnected our lips, and we moved in sync. Oliver's phone rang but we ignored it, as Oliver grabbed my legs holding me up. My back pressed against the wall as he moved to kissing my neck. My hands found his hair. This man was going to be the death of me. My phone began to ring. Oliver sighed.

"It's probably Diggle." I removed my phone from my pocket.

I was correct. I glanced at Oliver before answering. He was back from his mission, and wanted us down stairs. I stole one last kiss from Oliver before we headed downstairs. Diggle and Felicity looked up to us as we entered.

"Person of color has successfully purchased your drugs." Diggle said, handing the bag of vertigo to Felicity.

"For the record, I offered." She responded sitting at the monitors.

"How will we know when the tracker is active?" Oliver asked.

"It already is, I'm getting a good signal off the mono-filament strips we placed in the bills." Felicity pulled up a map on the monitor.

"Drug money's like a pigeon, it always finds its way home." Diggle said.

"We can follow the money all the way back to The Count." Oliver looked at Felicity.


"Keep tracking it." I said.

Oliver and I both quickly suited up and headed out. We patrolled the streets before stopping in an alley. I put in my earpiece and started speaking to Felicity.

"What have you got?"

"The end of the money trail. Sending the dealer's location to you now."

My phone buzzed and I looked down, receiving the location.

"Got it."

Oliver and I threw on our helmets and I led the way to the location. We stood on a rooftop watching as a group of cars came up on a group of men. A man stepped out of a car holding up a bag of vertigo. He handed off some to a man, and then headed back to one of the cars to get more. The man tossed a brick of vertigo. That much would be extremely dangerous, if it got out into the world. I quickly shot the brick in mid air preventing it from getting into any ones hands. Oliver and I sprung into action. One car bolted, presumably the one with The Count in it. The other car's doors opened and two men with guns stepped out. They started firing at us immediately. We took the men down easily. Glancing around, we realized we had lost The Count. We made our way back to our base.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry it's a little short but I wanted to get something out, sense I have plans later. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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