Chapter 42

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We were pulled from our cells and pushed forward. Ya Fei, was behind Oliver.

"I'm out of the gates now. What's going on?" Oliver badgered. "Are we getting out of here? Where are you taking me?"

I stayed quiet knowing exactly what was going on. Fyers had this ritual, of sorts. Though I think it was more to keep the men entertained. Prisoners would be put in the middle of a circle of men, and be forced to fight. In most cases the prisoners died. If they were lucky enough to win, I don't know what would happen. In my whole time of being in the camp no one won.

The men in the circle before us, fought. It wasn't a fair fight, it never was. The poor soul fighting the man in the mask, who's name was never given to me, got beaten to a pulp. When he could no long stand and pain became a numb sensation, he was granted death.

"Well, I admit that bout was particularly one-sided. Would anybody else like to give it a try?" Fyers said, looking at the lifeless body before him.

Ya Fei pushed Oliver forward.

"The point of these little gladiatorial distractions is to strengthen unit cohesion. To that end, I think our newest recruit ought to be afforded the opportunity to try his hand." Fyers smiled, slightly.

Sadistic bastard. Ya Fei took the position of the masked man. He would show no mercy and Oliver would die. Whatever friendship they did have, I hope somehow makes Ya Fei give Oliver a quick death. Oliver didn't deserve suffering. All he did was put his trust in the wrong man.


Oliver carried the lifeless body, as I walked alongside Dig.

"I can't believe you just killed that guy."

I scoffed.

"You really have a low opinion of me."

Dig popped the trunk to a car, and Oliver placed the body inside. I quickly glanced around, making sure there were no people or cameras. I placed my fingers on the man's neck, finding the pressure point I was looking for. He gasped leaning forward.

"Woah, that's a neat trick. You gonna teach me that one day?" Dig said.

I punched the man, knocking him out.

"Ask Oliver, he taught me."

"No." Oliver shook his head looking at Dig.

"What are you doing?" Dig asked, gesturing to the man.

"You need to arrange a new identity for this guy. Get him out of the city." I said.

"Right, so your Ruskie pal draws out The Count and the vigilantes take him down."

"No, Diggle cause then the Bravta would know that I used them and that relationship is too valuable. I do the meet with The Count as myself let him leave, and then we follow him to his hideout."

"Just that easy, huh?"

"Well, I will still need my trusty bodyguard and vigilante friend." I smiled, getting in the car.


I stood by the end of my car, with Diggle and Oliver, waiting for The Count's arrival.

"You know why they call him The Count?" The man from the Bratva, who I learned to be Alexi, said. "When he was developing this drug he experimented on the homeless, prostitutes, runaways. The police would find their bodies puncture marks on their neck like a vampire."

Noticing a car passing, I glanced away from Alexi. When the car stopped, I looked back towards him.

"You should not be in such a hurry to meet this man." Alexi warned.

Men stepped out of the vehicle. My eyes locked on the one with the file, I gave Alexi. A man walked forward, I put my hands up allowing to pat me down. He did the same to Diggle and Oliver. The man with the file, who I assumed was The Count, stepped forward.

"Thank you for this." He waved it in the air. "But I'm not overly concerned about the SCPD. Now I understand you lady and gentlemen wish to participate in the feel good business."

"Yes." I answered.

"And why is that?" He asked, getting close enough to invade me personal space.

"Well, I am opening a nightclub and I'd like my customers to have a little something extra." I smiled.

"Well, as it happens, I'm looking to expand my brand."

Oliver tossed two bags, as a man by The Count held a briefcase out.

"A good wine's value is measured by its vintage. The number of years it took to ferment. Vertigo is measured in lives." The Count said, opening the case and holding up a pack of Vertigo. "Fifty six people died to perfect this high. Believe me when I say that they did not die for nothing."

He put the pack back in the case with the others, and handed me that case.

Sirens wailed and cops' cars entered the garage we were in. The police jumped out of their cars, and The Counts crew began shooting. The police followed suit. Oliver, Diggle, and I tok cover behind a car. I watched as The Count bolted. This was my only chance and now it was falling apart. Impulsively, I ran after The Count. The man following behind The Count paused. I quickly dodged his gun fire, and knocked him out. Then continued my pursuit after The Count. He went down a few steps, and in order to catch up with him I jumped them. I landed on my feet and turned quickly coming face to face with The Count. He stabbed something into my chest, and I grunted in pain. He smiled.

"No witnesses."

My vision blurred, and my feet betrayed me. I fell to the ground, my now blurring vision spinning. I moved my hand to my chest feeling the object sticking out of my chest. A syringe. I pulled it up, causing another sound of disapproval to escape my lips.

"(Y/n), you okay?" Diggle's voice made its way to my ears and his blurry face entered my vision.

"Yeah." I grunted, my ears started to ring.

"We gotta go." Oliver rushed, as his face became apparent in my vision.

I tried to stand, but my legs were too weak and my vision was too nauseating. Oliver wrapped his arm around my waist and put my arm around his shoulder. Diggle did the same. My consciousness faded in and out as we made our way back to the base. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. See ya'll on Sunday. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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