Chapter 53

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Slade and I paid no mind to Oliver as he worked on the radio. We trained for a good amount of time. At some point Slade mumbled something about needing to go hunting. Oliver didn't say anything, too wrapped up in the radio. I followed Slade out into the woods, leaving Oliver alone. We walked for a while, neither of us talking. This island was dangerous and we both needed to stay alert. Slade had been teaching me how to hunt. I wasn't very good. He said I was improving, though. We reached our normal area, where we sat and watched for animals. It was a small clearing, with a few trees here and there. We sat underneath the tree closest to the center. I watched in one direction, and Slade watched in the other. I had been getting to know Slade the past few weeks. I could see why Oliver liked him so much. Slade was starting to grow on me.

"(Y/n)." Slade harshly whispered.

I turned towards him and pointed with his finger. Close to the edge of the clearing was a wild boar. Slade handed me his sniper rifle and nodded. I moved my body to get into a better position, and held the rifle up. I looked through the scope aligning the boar's head with it.

"Wait." Slade moved to my side adjusting the gun.

I turned to look at him, our faces only centimeters apart. We locked eyes for a few seconds. I watched as his eyes traveled to my lips, and back to my eyes. I felt something stir inside me, but I shoved it down. Breaking eye contact I looked through the scope and aimed at the boar. My finger wrapped around the trigger. The boar's body went limp. I lowered the gun and stood from my spot. Slade shuffled behind me, as I walked to the dead animal. We stayed silent as we tied the boar to a bamboo rod, and walked back to camp. We entered the plane seeing Oliver in the same spot.

"I hope you like barbecue." Slade said.

When Oliver didn't answer Slade snapped.

"Well, don't fall over yourself thanking us for spending 6 hours in the Sun, so you can eat."

"What?" Oliver looked up from the bundle of wires in front of him. "Great. I'll eat later."

"You've been at that for days. Give it a rest."

"It's because I can do this."

"Sure, kid. When pigs fly." Slade turned, pulling on his end of the rod, I followed.

Static came from Oliver's direction. Holy shit. He did it.

"You gotta be kidding me."

Slade mumbled as we both dropped the boar heading in Oliver's direction. A man on the radio spoke.

"Continue approach. We're 6-3 Heavy."

Slade lifted the speaker to his mouth and spoke.

"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Wedgetail 325. Pilot and passenger down."

People continued to speak, as though they didn't hear Slade.

"I repeat, pilot and passenger down on the island of Lian Yu. Request immediate rescue."

More people continued to talk. They couldn't hear us. Whatever hope I felt was now gone. Slade walked away, as Oliver sayed silent.


With our new found information, Oliver and I called Mr.Lance. I did most of the talking.

"Lance." He answered.

"The Triad have hired a contract killer." I said.

"Yeah? You mean the one your boyfriend put in the morgue? Congratulations, you two are the talk of the station again."

"If they hired one, they're gonna hire another, detective." I brushed off his jabs.

"Who's your target?"

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