Chapter 7

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We suited up and headed for Hunt. Hunt had the whole place on lock down, armed guards were everywhere. The police surrounded the building Hunt was in. Oliver made his way inside as I cut the power to the building. I made my way up to the floor Hunt was on. As I got closer gunshots rang out. I nocked an arrow ready to fire. The elevator doors dinged as they opened. In an instant my arrow was lodged in the lone gunman. Oliver grabbed the fading man and threw him through the glass doors, that divided us from our prize. The gunmen behind the doors unleashed fire on the man. Oliver fired, taking down one of the men. I hit the closer one to us with my bow knocking him out. Oliver unleashed an arrow, missing Hunt's head by a few inches. Oliver and I stood in front of Hunt, both of us with our arrows trained on him.

"You missed." Hunt mocked.

"Really?" Oliver responded.

I was about to release my arrow, but a man tackled me to the ground. Caught off guard, I dropped my bow. I was stuck fighting the man with just my fists. He pinned me down as he started to choke me. Oliver pulled him up off me and slammed him down on a glass table, causing the glass to shatter all over the floor. It took me a second to regain my breath, as I watched Hunt run away. Hunt signaled to the police as he left. I sat up watching Oliver fight the man, who was now armed with a knife. The man grabbed a gun off the floor as Oliver jumped behind the desk. I grabbed a shard of glass off the floor, and threw it into the man's throat. I heard the police running up the steps. I rushed over to Oliver. Oliver laid on the floor, drifting out of consciousness. The police rounded the corner, as Oliver finally awoke.

"Lay down your weapons or we will open fire." One of the police yelled.

I grabbed my bow, shooting an arrow to knock a gun out of one of the police officer's hands. Oliver ran for the window, jumping through it. He shot an arrow with cable, latching to the building our party was in. I jumped a few seconds after him, grabbing on to his outstretched arm.


Oliver and I switched back into our party clothes, and went back to our party. Seconds after we returned, a police member rushed to the DJ. The music cut as more police flooded the building.

"Starling City Police the party's over, kids." Detective Lance yelled over the crowd.

Mr.Lance then walked over to Tommy.

"Oh, Mr.Merlyn. Imagine my shock at finding you here. Did you roofie anyone special tonight?" Mr.Lance said.

Oliver and I walked up.

"Detective, it's a private party." Oliver said.

"Yeah, well, there was an incident at Adam Hunt's building tonight. Do you know anything about that?" Mr.Lance asked.

"Who's Adam Hunt?" Oliver convincingly lied.

"He's a millionaire. Bottom-feeder, and I'm kind of surprised you aren't friends." Mr.Lance quipped.

"I've been out of town for a while." Oliver said.

"Yeah. Well, he just got attacked by the guy with the hood. The guy that saved your ass the other day. Except this time he brought a friend with him." Mr.Lance sighed.

"The hood guy and a friend. You find them? I'm gonna offer a new reward." Oliver smiled. "Hey, everybody. Two million dollars to anybody who can find two nut bars in a green hoods"

The crowd erupted in cheers. Mr.Lance got up in Oliver's face.

"Did you even try to save her?" He asked.

"Okay. let's go, partner." Mr. Lance's partner stepped in.

"Did you even try to save my daughter?" Mr.Lance pressed.

"Sara wouldn't want this, it's time to go." His partner pushed Mr.Lance out the door.

Oliver's mood dropped, but he put on his mask. His sadness turned into a smile.

"It's way too quiet in here! This is a party." He yelled.

The crowd went from dead to alive in a second. Tommy turned to me.

"Some coincidence. I mean, you asking to have the party here and Hunt getting robbed right next door. By the same guy who rescued Oliver and I at the warehouse." Tommy pointed out.

"If I were you, Tommy, I'd just be glad you're alive." I said.

"What happened to you on that island?" Tommy asked.

"A lot." I responded.

I walked off to join Oliver.


I watched as Oliver took 40 million dollars from Hunt's account. We split the money between all of his victim's bank accounts. I took a pen and crossed out Hunt's name from the book.


Oliver and I suited up and went to CNRI to make sure we transferred the money. As we sat outside, on a fire escape, Tommy and Laurel walked out. I only caught on to one piece of the conversation.

"And here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was us." Tommy said.

With that I tuned out knowing the conversation was something I wasn't supposed to hear. Oliver on the other hand heard every last bit of the conversation.


By now we had been on the lifeboat for days. We were down to very minimal supplies. I heard Mr.Queen and Oliver whisper back and forth. Mr.Queen planted a kiss on Oliver's forehead, and laid him down. Mr.Queen grabbed a gun from his life vest and shot the other man.

"Survive." Mr.Queen said, before moving the gun to his temple and pulling the trigger.


Tommy says the island changed me. He has no idea how much. There are many more names on the list, those who rule my city through intimidation and fear. Every last one of them will wish I had died on that island. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. For those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, Have a good day/happy holidays(if you do celebrate something). Enjoy your day.~~

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