Chapter 65

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The missile drew our attention before gunfire rang. We all ducked for cover, I managed to get next to Slade. Slade managed to get a gun and Shado took down a guy standing on the missile launcher. Slade turned to me then Oliver.

"Go, kid." Slade yelled at Oliver, and I stayed. "I meant you too."

"I'm not leaving." I noticed a gun on the ground and grabbed it.

Oliver ran to Shado and they worked on the missile launcher. I fired at a few men before Slade spoke again.

"That wasn't a choice."

"I'm not leaving you behind."

I looked up seeing the missile change its course and head straight for us. This was it. Damn it. I grabbed Slade's arm and dragged him with me. Hoping I could get us out in time. The impact was all I felt. We were sent flying. Slade landed next to me.


Oliver had left to go speak to his mom. He hadn't been back in awhile so I headed over to the Queen's to check in. When I got there I saw a ton of reporters and a very concerned Thea. Once she noticed me she came straight to me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked closing the distance between us.

"My mom called all these reporters here, and she won't tell me why." Her voice was panicked.

"Is Oliver here?"

"No, I just called him though."

I walked into the living room seeing a crowd formed around Mrs.Queen. Thea followed me in. Mrs.Queen began to speak to the reporters.

"My name is Moira Dearden Queen. I am the acting CEO of Queen Consolidated. And God forgive me, I have failed this city. For the past five years under threat for my life and the lives of my family, I have been complicit in an undertaking with one horrible purpose. To destroy the Glades and everyone in it."

Thea's face dropped. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I realize now that my family's safety will mean nothing if I let this dreadful act occur. But you need to know the architect of this nightmare..."

Mrs.Queen looked up seeing me, and her heart broke. She didn't think I knew. I tried to convey the message that I knew by giving her a curt nod. She understood and continued her sentence.

"Is Malcolm Merlyn. Yes, and I have proof that he has killed dozens in pursuit of this madness. Adam Hunt, Frank Chen and my husband, Robert."

This time Mrs.Queen's eyes landed on Thea, she shook her head slightly.

"Please, if you reside in the Glades you need to get out now. Your lives and the lives of your children depend on it. Please."

Mrs.Queen quickly stepped down from the podium and made her way to her daughter. Once she did that all attention was pointed in my direction. The reporters noticed me and swarmed me. I tried my best to act devastated and slipped out at my first opportunity. I was gonna head to our base, but I got a random notification that Tommy was sharing his location with me. I looked at it closely and realized he was at Merlyn Global. I moved as fast as I could to get there. Once I was there I made it to my father's office in a heartbeat. From what Oliver told my dad only knew Oliver was one of the vigilantes, he didn't know I was the other one. I entered to see my dad and Tommy. My dad was standing in front of the now opened panic room. Behind him in a display was the copycat archer's suit. It all came together. My father was the copycat archer. He nearly killed me last Christmas. He stared at me waiting for what I had to say. Steps rounded the corner.

"Freeze." One of three heavily armed police men commanded. "Malcolm Merlyn, you are under arrest. Don't move."

My father didn't listen and quickly moved into the panic room. Tommy backed up as I watched the police move forward. They would die, surely. My father's training was extensive, and extremely dangerous. My dad emerged quickly slicing down the three men with a sword. Tommy managed to get a gun in his hands. Tommy aimed it at him.

"Please dad." I stood frozen as my dad took a step towards Tommy. "Stay back. I don't wanna hurt you."

"You can't." Something in my dad's voice snapped me out of my state. "And you can't stop me."

My dad quickly moved, knocking Tommy out, before turning to me. I had already armed myself with the knife I keep on me just in case.

"So you're gonna disappoint me too." My father spoke.

"You're planning to kill thousands, you kidnapped the man I hold dear, and you nearly killed me last Christmas. You've disappointed me too." My father's eyes grew wide in realization.

"You're the other vigilante."

I lunged an attack, instead of answering. I held my ground for a while before he got the upperhand. My head collided with the wall and everything went black.


Slade and I leaned against some boxes, as we waited for someone to come find us. Oliver came along eventually and found Yao Fei's bow.

"I should have figured. You couldn't save the day without making a mess." Slade joked getting to his feet.

I followed and stood up.

"Where's Shado?" Oliver asked.

"I thought she was with you."

"Actually, she's with me." Fyers walked forward and held Shado at gunpoint.

"Let her go. It's over, Fyers." Slade spoke.

Oliver drew his bow and aimed it at Fyers.

"Let her go." Oliver commanded.

"Amazing. A two year operation undone because a young playboy happened to wash up on the shore and now here you are. A killer. You wanted nothing more than to leave this island and now you can. I can call in a rescue ship, you can go home. Tell me, Mr.Queen. Are you prepared to sacrifice your freedom for her?"

Oliver didn't speak. He adjusted his angle and released his arrow. It flew straight into Fyers, killing him on the spot.

"Guess so."

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Here's the sixth one.~~

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