Chapter 46

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Finding the house Vanch was held up in, Oliver and I headed straight there. Armed men patrolled the entrances of the house. Finding the least guarded door, we stealthily made our way to it. Oliver shot one man, and I shot the final. We located Vanch easily, we stayed back watching him talk to a woman. We took out two more men, as we realized they were going to discover the bodies of the first two. Needing a better angle on Vanch, we positioned. Taking down a few more men. We needed evidence to lock this man up, so we were going to get it. I pulled out one of my recording arrows, and fired it into the support beam by Vanch and the woman. He looked up hearing the impact, but went back to talking with the woman. We turned on the relay device, hearing everything Vanch was saying. Footsteps broke our concentration. A man came up to us and pointed a gun at us. I quickly grabbed the nozzle, and twisted it upwards. Shots fired. Damnit. Our cover was blown. Vanch stood from his chair quickly, looking around. His eyes locked onto the arrow. He pulled it out from the beam.

"You know what I learned in prison? If you want to be respected you find the biggest guy and you put him down permanently." He looked at the woman. "I think I just found the biggest guy, or in this case guy and gal."

We listened as he held the arrow closer to him. Hopeing what we had was enough, we left.


As soon as we got back we called Laurel.


"It's us. We have something." Oliver said. Into the phone. "Can you meet?"

"Uh, yeah, where?"

"Rooftop, Winick building. 30 minutes."


We stood on the roof waiting for Laurel.

"You okay?" I asked, breaking our silence.

"Yeah." Oliver tried to add happiness to his voice, but failed.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him in.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it, or if you just want to go get some food." I smiled, pulling away but leaving my arms resting on his shoulders.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He smiled his first genuine smile in a while.

"I keep asking myself the same question." I pulled him in locking our lips.

Footsteps broke us apart and we quickly turned on our voice changers.

"Hello, Laurel." Oliver greeted.

"Thank you for helping."

"We couldn't do much. Vanch's position is too heavily fortified. But we did get this." I held out the recording of what Vanch said, it was hopefully enough to put him away.

"Evidence he's trying to take over the positions vacated by Frank Bertinelli and..." Oliver stopped, both of us hearing a door open.

"And the Triad." I finished.

Oliver and I both went silent listening for footsteps.

"What's wrong?" Laurel asked, noticing our silence.

"We're not alone." Oliver answered.

"What?" Laurel's surprise was cut off by the door to the roof opening.

Detective Lance and a group of police rush through, pointing their guns at us.

"SCPD!" Detective Lance yelled.

Left with no other option, Oliver pulled out a knife and held it to Laurel's throat. I pulled back an arrow aiming it at her.

"Get down! Hands where we can see them!" Detective Lance shouted at us.

Oliver pulled Laurel back, towards the edge. I followed close behind.

"Dad!" Laurel pleaded.

"Do it now!" Lance pressed.

Man started to surround us on all sides. She sold us out. We were going to jail now.

"You so much as leave a bruise on her and I swear I will drag you down to hell myself." Lance threatened.

We continued to walk to the edge. An idea clicked in my head. I removed the arrow from my bow, putting it back in the quiver, and held my hand in the air. Oliver must've seen the idea go off, and so he made a move. He quickly whispered something in Laurel's ear, and pushed her forward. We bolted jumping the ledge and landing on another roof. We made it to the other edge, as gunfire barely missed our feet.

"Trust me." I said, as I fired a cable arrow.

It latched onto it's target and I jumped. Oliver jumped soon behind me, extending his arm so I could grab it. Holding on tight we made it to a spot we could let go, and we made our way back to our base making sure no one saw.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Hope you all had a good weekend. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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