Chapter 37

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Before I could comprehend what was happening Oliver wrestled the man to the ground. They struggled against each other, Oliver winning the battle. Oliver took the man's uniform, and changed into it. We didn't have a strong plan, but hopefully it was enough. Oliver threw on the face mask the man wore and we made our way to Fyer's camp.


After our somewhat success Oliver and I went back to his house, by the time we had settled everything in the bunker it was morning. We sat on the couch, my head resting on his shoulder and his arm around me. Oliver turned the TV on, the news appeared on the screen.

"Eyewitnesses contend that numerous lives would've been lost if not for the timely intervention of the vigilantes. But these were not the actions of vigilantes. What's been described are the actions of heroes." The anchor said.

Oliver and I both smiled slightly.

"What's got you two all smiley? Your new club's a briquette." Thea said walking into the room.

"It was under construction before." I responded.

"Now it's just more under construction." Oliver added.

Mrs.Queen walked into the room. She quickly glanced at Oliver and I's position, and then looked at Thea.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Sharp suit, mom." Thea said. "Not used to seeing you without your bedroom wrapped around you."

"I could hardly go to the office with pajamas." Thea and Oliver both sent questioning looks at their mom. "I'm taking Walter's position at the office."

Oliver sat up and I took this as my que to remove my head from his shoulder. He removed his arm from around me.

"WHat changed your mind?" He asked.

"Not what, who." Mrs.Queen looked at Thea. "My daughter. My family. And I promise you Walter will get back to us. I will keep looking for him and I will find him. And I'll see you for dinner."

Mrs.Queen left the room. Oliver smiled at Thea, but his smile dropped seeing Thea's serious face.

"What?" He asked.

"Just feeling the whiplash. She went from shut-in to chairman pretty fast."

"Sounds like you got through to her." He said.

"Yeah I guess." Thea sighed leaving.


"Good thing the fire didn't spread down here." Diggle said, walking in as Oliver and I were training.

"It's one of the benefits of concrete and steel construction." Oliver said then exchanged a look with me.

We owed Diggle a lot for these past few weeks.

"Thank you." I said, looking Diggle in the eyes.

"What for?" Diggle asked.

"You know what for." Oliver responded.

"So what's next? More training?" Diggle questioned.

"No. We go hunting." I said, holding up the list.


"With all the guys working up top, you might want to think about a side entrance for your Arrow cave." Diggle said as we walked in, both of us receiving a text from Oliver.

"Just put one in. South alleyway." Oliver responded. "There's something I want to show you."

"You're finally getting into online dating and need help with your profile." Diggle joked.

"Not exactly, plus I have someone already." Oliver said.

"Really?" Diggle asked, looking at me.

I shrugged, Oliver and I wanted to keep things under wraps for a while. Which meant no one knew.

"There is somebody I'd like to meet." Oliver pushed off Diggle's comment, and pulled something up on a computer.

The screen showed a truck getting swarmed by a group of guys with guns and smoke grenades.

"I read about this. Third truck to get hit this month." Diggle said, as we both looked at the screen.

"I saw it on the news this morning. I couldn't figure out why it seemed so familiar. Then I remembered. Kandahar, 09 when the marines took out a Taliban transport vehicle." Oliver said.

"Well there's a reason it looks so similar. These guys are running the same swearing technique. Where'd you find this?" Diggle asked.

"I was researching someone. Bodyguard who works for a private security firm. Blackhawk Squad Protection Group. His name is Ted Gaynor."

"Oliver, Ted Gaynor was my commanding officer on my first tour in Afghanistan."

Oliver straightened and looked at Diggle empathy in his eyes.

"Dig, I'm sorry." Oliver opened the list. "Gaynor's on the list."

"Gaynor's a few hundred thousand short of making your list."

"Well I never said it was one percenters, did I?"

"Oliver, this guy saved my life. Received a commendation for it. I don't care what your book says. He's not a stick-up man."

"You haven't known him in a long time, Diggle."

"We both kept in contact with each other, since we got stateside. Six months ago, he even offered me a job at Blackhawk. Now, trust me, you don't know this man like I do."

"I know in Afghanistan, his training specialty was M-32 multiple grenade launchers, the exact same weapon used in these heists and not exactly something you find at your local sporting goods store."

"Wait, two months ago, we found out this wasn't even your father's book, that was written by whoever hired that other archer. Doesn't that kind of beg the question what else you could be wrong about?"

"I could be wrong. The list isn't. Now (Y'/n) and I are going to have a pointed conversation with Mr.Gaynor tonight. We'll see what he has to say about it." Oliver ended the conversation leaving.

Diggle shot me a look.

"You're just gonna follow his lead?" He asked.

"I don't know, Diggle. The list hasn't been wrong yet. Like he said, we'll see where the conversation takes us." I sighed leaving.

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was a family members birthday and I was super busy. Have a good day, see ya tomorrow. Be good people.~~

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