Chapter 3

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Thunder rumbled louder than before. Sara's expression dropped.

"That was close." She said.

She was right, and concern started to grow within me. As I was about to say something, the boat flipped sending us into the wall. A sharp pain shot from my rib cage. Oliver had landed right next to me. I saw Sara on the ground, blood on her forehead. Water was pooling by her feet. The boat moved threatening to pull her under the surface. I tried to move but my aching rib cage didn't allow it. The water started to fill more rapidly, and Oliver moved to grab Sara. His efforts were blocked by a ottoman in between him and Sara. The boat followed through on its threat as it sucked Sara into the void. We followed soon after.

I surfaced gasping for air. The waters were raging, pulling me back under a few times. I tried to scream but couldn't from the frigid cold. I saw a light in front of me and I tried my best to swim towards it. As I got closer I realized it was a lifeboat. It became closer with each passing second, and soon I was being pulled aboard by Mr.Queen and Oliver.


I awoke to the sound of thunder. I moved my head to look at the clock, 12:30 am. I untangled myself from my covers and grabbed a sweatshirt. I threw it over my head as I opened my door. I walked the halls, till I got to the kitchen. I switched the lights on heading to a cabinet. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I sat there for a minute allowing my body to wake up some more.

I heard footsteps heading towards me. My first thought was Tommy, but the way the steps landed sounded nothing like his. I glanced at the block of knives as I set my glass down. I moved to the block, making very little noise, and grabbed a knife from the block. I then hid by the door frame, knife in hand. The silhouette of a man stood before the door frame. He sighed as he walked through the frame, not noticing me at all.

In one swift movement I had him pinned against the wall knife to his throat. The man's face was oddly familiar. As I studied his face, a mix of emotions appeared on his face. I heard rushed steps coming from upstairs. The thud the man made as he hit the wall must've woke Tommy. The man made no movement as his facial expression changed to a mixture of relief and concern. Seeing as he wasn't going to talk first, I broke the silence.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

His face fell, sadness appearing in place of his previous emotions. The footsteps now rounded the corner.

"(Y/n)?" Tommy cautioned.

The man's eyes shifted to Tommy, pleading for help. Then it hit me. The man and Tommy seemed to know each other. The security to the mansion was nearly impenetrable, unless you had a key. My hand holding the knife started to waver. I backed away as the knife slipped from my hand. My mind filled with guilt. How could I forget him? How could I forget my own father?

"Dad." I trembled.

He walked forward. I started to sob an apology. Both his and Tommy's faces filled with sadness. He wrapped me into an embrace. My knees gave out, and it was only his clutch held me up.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed into his chest.

I felt a drop of water land on my shoulder, and he started to tremble. We sank to the floor as he held me, shushing my sobs.


I must've fallen asleep in his arms, because when I woke up I was in my room again. I lifted myself out of bed and threw on an outfit. I walked downstairs and heard cursing coming from the kitchen. The smell of burnt food filled my nose. I heard a laugh escape Tommy as I rounded the corner. Tommy's laughter ceased. His eyes locked with mine, asking me if I was okay. Dad turned and dumped, what I think was eggs, into the trash can. He looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"I haven't cooked in a really long time." He chuckled.

I smiled in response.

"How about we go out for a family breakfast?" My dad asked.

"Can't I'm going to take Oliver and (Y/n) through the city and catch them up." Tommy said.

My dad's face dropped.

"We can go, dad. If that's okay with you Tommy?" I smiled.

Tommy nodded his head.

"Great. I call a car." My dad beamed.


Dad and I ate breakfast at a small hole in the wall, and caught up. He didn't ask about the island or bring up last night. We just talked, picking up like two friends who haven't spoken in years. I missed this the most. Having a family, being able to feel again. There was no way that the five years on the island were going away, and stay hidden. At some point people were going to become curious, and start asking questions. However for now my life finally felt normal.

My Dad answered his phone as it rang. His once cheerful smile disappeared. I listened trying to figure out what could cause his unhappiness. I only picked up on some of the conversation. Someone had been attacked. He hung up his phone and told the driver to go to the Queen's mansion.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked me in the eyes, as he looked like they were about to burst.

"Tommy and Oliver were attacked by some people. Tommy's perfectly fine. The police are on it. I'm going to drop you off at the Queen's mansion, and go talk to the police detectives." He said.

I nodded my head.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry about chapter 2, hopefully this makes up for it. I actually like this version better than what I did before, so I guess it a win. Anyway there's not much to say today. Hope everyone enjoyed their day.~~

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