Chapter 31

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I stood in the hall shell shocked. I eventually found my way to a seat. Rubbing my hands across my face, thankful that I chose not to wear any makeup. Could I really forgive him? He and I had a bond, and even though it felt as though he broke it, I still wanted to go back to him. I wanted my friend back, not my lover. I heard footsteps coming up to the corner. Diggle and Oliver rounded the corner. Both of them sent me a glance, Diggle's saying something happened and Oliver's noticing my inner conflict. I sent Oliver a small conformation that I was alright, and stood from my seat nodding at Diggle. I followed the two to a room.

"The other archer's moved to the next level. He's taken hostages. This just hit the news." Diggle said, grabbing a TV remote and turning the TV on.

On the screen appeared a frightened woman. Her hair a mess and her mascara running, she'd clearly been crying. She shakily held a paper, her eyes darted back and forth from the paper to the camera, as she spoke.

"Happy holidays, Starling City. For the past three months this city has been laid siege by two vigilantes, but the police have been unable to bring them to justice because they lack the will to do what justice demands." The woman paused as a couple sobs broke through her mouth. "I will kill two hotages every hour in the name of these vigilantes until they surrender themselves to my authority."

With her finishing Diggle turned off the TV.

"Police are on the scene. You should let them handle this." Diggle suggested.

"Those people are there because of me. I have to end this." Oliver snapped.

"Us." Oliver sent a questioning look my way. "Because of us. We have to end this."

"This guy is very dangerous." Diggle sighed.

"Diggle, there wasn't anything on that island that wasn't twice as dangerous as this pretender and we survived there for five years." Oliver said, his voice sturdy and it was clear Diggle couldn't change our minds.


The man stopped Fyers in his tracks, holding a walkie talkie to his mouth.

"Tell your people to bring the plane." The man said.

"There's no need, Yao Fei." Fyers responded, finally giving me a name for this guy. "My people will be here shortly. Do you not think it convenient you captured me so easily?"

The man who tortured Oliver stepped out from the shadows.

"Go! Run!" Yao Fei yelled at Oliver and I.

We ran as people started shooting at us. We paused seeing Yao Fei knocked out and dragged away.


We used a zip line arrow, and made our way to the building. Shattering glass, as we came in through the sunroof. I made my way over to the hostages, cutting them free.

"Where is he?" Oliver asked.

"I-I don't know." The woman from the news said, her voice shaking.

"It's going to be okay. Follow us." I said.

Oliver led the front as I stayed in the back. We quickly made our way to a staircase.

"Get up on the roof." Oliver commanded.

The woman paused, "What about-"

"We'll handle him. Now go." I said, cutting her off.

She followed the rest.

Oliver and I split up so we could find him fast. I searched the building, an arrow on my string ready to be released when it was it's time. I heard the sound of arrows flying and glass shattering. I quickly made my way to it. I ran into a room seeing Oliver unarmed and dodging the man's arrows. One arrow found it's target in Oliver's leg, causing him to fall from his spot on the rafters. The man cornered Oliver, ready to shoot arrows into his back. I quickly pushed Oliver out of the way as one arrow found its way to my shoulder, and another to the side of my hip. I made a noise I wasn't sure I was able to make as pain flooded my vision. The man kicked my body through a wall, I landed on the ground. I felt him grab my arm and twisted it, clearly dislocating it. He drove his foot into my stomach, and continued to kick me. More noises escaped my body, as the taste of blood filled my mouth.

"First Hunt, then Ravich and now you two." He paused, kicking me more. "I know about the list and the man who authored it wants you both dead. They call you The Hoods. Let's see what you look like without them."

The man bent down as he reached for my hood. This was it, I was going to die. My best friend still thought I hated him, and in my final moments all I can think about is him. All I can do is hope he escaped. I wanted to fight back but there was no more fight in me. Blood trickled out of my mouth as a groan escaped my lips. The sound of an arrow hitting flesh filled my ears. The man fell before me, as Oliver rushed to my side.

"(Y/n)?" His voice filled with emotion.

I tried to talk but a sharp pain turned it into a yelp.

"I called Diggle. He's out front. Just stay awake, okay?" Oliver's voice was rushed as he picked me up bridal style.

My body protested, as I groaned.

"Sorry." He said, sadness flooding his voice.

I looked towards his hooded face as tears streamed down his face. In protest of the arrow in my shoulder, I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek. He leaned his face into my hand.

"You should've let me take the arrows." His voice broke.

I wanted to respond, but coughing stopped me. More blood spilled from my mouth as Oliver quickened his pace.

"Hang in there, keep your eyes open." Oliver's voice was soft but commanding.

I wanted to listen, I really did, but a wave of tiredness broke my protests. My eyes started to close, my hearing faded. If dying in his arms was my way of going then, it wasn't so bad. My eyes closed as Oliver's voice became strangled with emotions. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I just wanna say that I had no intentions of this happening, it just sorta happened. I was gonna make this that chapter they got back together cause, ya know Valentines day.  As you can see that didn't happen. Sorry for that. Anyways Happy Valentines Day. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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