Chapter 51

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I sat with Slade, watching as Oliver attempted pull ups. His body shaked as he tried to pull himself all the way up. Accepting defeat he let go of the bar, his feet hitting the ground.

"Four." Slade sighed.

"Well, I'm more of a runner." Oliver quipped.

Slade stood and started a round of pull ups.

"Why the sudden desire to work out?" Oliver asked.

"What else is there to do?"

"We could find another way off the island."

"There is no other way. If there was, I would have found it."

Slade was right. Fyers taught me the ins and outs of this island. There was no way off without the equipment Fyers has.

"We can't just sit here and wait for Fyers to come and kill us."

Slade lowered himself from the bar and walked towards Oliver.

"I did have one idea. If you go into the forest and gather as much bamboo as you can find."

"Yeah?" Oliver stepped closer, intrigued.

"We could build ourselves a boat like they did on Gilligan's Island."

Slade showed no signs of joking. It was obvious, however, how badly that plan would end for all of us. Oliver looked away nodding, but then he noticed something. A radio. I saw it before, I just kind of assumed it was broken. Oliver messed around with a few things.

"That's broken. It got busted during the crash." Slade said, seeing Oliver.

"Did you try to get it to work?" Oliver asked.

"I'm better at pulling things apart."

We might actually have a chance, if we could get it working.

"My father was a pilot and he used to do his own maintenance."

"So you're hoping aircraft maintenance is genetic?"

I let out a small laugh at Slade's jab, earring a glare from Oliver and a small smile from Slade.

"No, I used to help him and I liked it. Then I got pretty good at it. So maybe I can make the radio work."

"You should be training for the inevitable fight that's looming." Slade sent me a you too look, and I stood from my spot reluctantly. Walking over to the bar I heard Oliver mumble something as he poked at the radio.

"I think I have a better chance of making the radio work."

I jumped up, wrapping my fingers around the bar. I did as many pull ups as I could muster. If Oliver could get it started we might have a chance.


Oliver and I walked up the stairs to Laurel and Tommy's apartment. We each carried our own separate gift bag, for Tommy's birthday. Reaching our destination, we knocked and the door opened revealing a very happy Tommy.

"Happy birthday, buddy." Oliver smiled handing Tommy his bag.

"Thank you."

"Happy birthday." I gave Tommy a hug handing him his bag.

"This feels like a Chateauneuf-du-Pape." Tommy held up the bag I handed him.

"It's gonna taste like one too."

"You are a true sister."

Oliver and I followed Tommy to a set dinner table. Laurel rounded the corner and smiled. We exchanged hellos. Tommy stepped away opening a bottle of wine, and passing a glass to everyone.

"A toast. To the first birthday that I have enjoyed in a long time. I got my best friend and little sister back." Tommy smiled, and looked at Laurel. "And I have finally figured out why poets have been in business for the last few thousand years."

They exchanged a kiss, and my brother's face was truly happy. I was happy for him. We all clanked our glasses together, but before we could start anything more a knock at the door interrupted us.

"I think that's the food." Laurel walked away, to answer the door.

"Oh, thank god she didn't cook." Oliver joked.

"Amen." Tomy agreed.

I lightly laughed, taking a sip of wine. Laurel came back into the room footsteps following her. Tommy and I's smiles fell seeing the man walk in after her. His eyes locked on Oliver.



Then he finally looked at Tommy and I.

"I've been trying to get in touch with you two."

My hand found it's way to Oliver's and our finger's interlaced.

"What are you doing here, Dad?" Tommy asked.

He held up a small blue box.

"Happy birthday, Tommy."

Tommy and I looked at eachother. Tommy looked towards Laurel.

"Just give us a second."

I let go of Oliver's hand signalling that he should stay behind. I followed Tommy and my Dad outside into the hallway.

"We're about to eat, so-" Tommy started, but was quickly cut off.

"I can't stay."

"Well, that works out because you weren't invited."

"I'm being honored by the Starling City Municipal Group. They're bestowing me with their annual Humanitarian Award."

My fuse was wearing thin, and I snapped.

"What and the ran out of actual humans to give it to?"

My dad looked me in the eyes for a second. They showed regret, but I wasn't going to fall for his trap again. He's manipulative. He used empathy against yourself.

"I would like you both to be there if you could."

"I am 100% certain I'll be busy." Tommy said, anger starting to corrupt his words as well.

Tommy went to go back into the apartment and I started to follow, but Tommy's arm was grabbed.

"You might not believe this but all I ever wanted for you two was happiness. If it will allay this tension between us I'll turn the switch back on." My dad looked towards Tommy during the last part.

"Save your money, dad. I don't need it anymore."

My dad removed his hands from Tommy's arm.

"I'd still like you two to come to the event." He placed a paper in Tommy and I's hands. "It would mean a lot to me."

He started to walk away and Tommy and I looked at eachother.

"You know what dad?" Tommy spoke, causing him to stop and turn around. "Sometimes the people you want there the most aren't."

I took Tommy's paper and walked to my dad looking him dead in the eyes.

"You taught us that." I paused. "Multiple times."

I pushed the papers he gave Tommy and I into his chest, he them both fall to the ground as I removed my hand. I turned walking back to Tommy. We both went back into the apartment, shutting the door behind us. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I won't be posting tomorrow, which is why I'm posting today. I will be extremely busy tomorrow. I'll see you all on Sunday. Have good day. Be good people.~~

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