Chapter 28

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The sound of rocks rumbling broke Oliver and I out of our dazed state. We sat up as the man in the hood walked in carrying a bucket of water and food. He paid no mind to me as if he knew I was in the cave all along.

"You not dead? Good." The man spoke broken English.

"Where the hell have you been?" Oliver asked. "We ran out of food and water days ago."

The man started to head for the exit .

"Hey, where are you going?" Oliver questioned.

The man then drug in another man, and threw the man on the ground. The man lifted his head to reveal his face. Fyers.

"You?" Oliver's voice was filled with anger as he punched Fyers.

Oliver went to do more but was stopped by the man.


"He's the one who tied me up and had me tortured. All cause he was looking for you. He would've killed me if you didn't show up."

"Then you kill him." The man extended a knife to Oliver. "Or he can take you home."


"He has a plane. A way for you off this island."


Tommy hasn't been around much, so I've been spending time with dad. It was hard to keep my mind off of everything that happened with Oliver, but whenever I was with dad it numbed the pain, even got rid of it at times. Tonight we were invited to a dinner at the Queen's. Knowing Oliver's night time activities, and that I wouldn't see him, I went.

At first it was just a mindless babble between everyone, but it turned into a debate about the vigilante. Speculation about the seconds vigilante's disappearance circled the table. Everyone believed she was dead.

"What about you, (Y/n), what do you think happened to the female vigilante?" One of the men directed the question towards me.

"I've heard of the work they've done, I don't think they'd be easy to take down. She's probably out there somewhere." I said, trying to answer quickly to get everyone's attention off of me.

"You make it sound as though what they're doing is good." Another man cut in.

"They've have to be doing this for a reason." I tried to reason.

"So you agree with their antics?" Someone else asked.

"No, not at all. I'm just saying there's two sides to every story." I caved in on trying to stay mutual, it'll only draw more attention my way.

Everyone continued as I stayed quiet. I heard the front door open, and then the sound of chatter between two people. Footsteps neared the entrance to the room.

"The thing that people forget is that Robin Hood was a criminal." One of the men said, as Oliver rounded the corner.

Shit, I really didn't feel like talking to him today. I glanced up seeing his gaze lock on me, I quickly looked back down. The food on my plate seeming really interesting at the moment.

"And stealing from the rich to give to the poor is really the job of the Democrats." Someone else chimed in.

Causing everyone at the table to chuckle.

"All joking aside, commissioner. Crime is down for the first time in five years." My dad said, as Oliver took a seat at the table.

"That's because of the changes my department has implemented." A man said, clearly inflating his ego.

"Or perhaps it's because the vigilantes' activities have had a chilling effect on the city's criminals." Walter added.

My dad nodded looking at Oliver.

"What are your thoughts, Oliver?"

"I think the vigilantes need a better code name then "The Hoods" or "The Hood Guys." Oliver joked, causing the whole table to laugh, and gaining a small smile from me.

"I agree." My dad smiled. "How about Green Arrow?"

"Lame." Oliver concluded.

Walter's phone rang causing him to sigh.

"Forgive me. It's the office. Excuse me." Walter put his phone to his ear as he left.

After Walter left a police officer came in and whispered in a man's ear.

"I'm sorry. Somethings come up." The man said, as he stood from the table.

"Is everything okay?" Oliver asked.

"The vigilante has struck again. He just put an arrow in Adam Hunt."

My gaze shot to Oliver. He never would've put Hunt down for the count, we checked his name off the list already. Oliver met my eyes, his face saying he didn't do it. As if on cue Oliver's phone rang.

"I really do need to take this call. It's my contractor. Excuse me." He quickly lied, leaving the table.

A copycat archer. That's the only explanation. If that's so that means Oliver and I put a masked murder out on the streets. Even though my trust in Oliver was gone, I couldn't let this happen to my city. 

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. This chapter's a little short I just really wanted to end this here. Anyway have a good day, well I guess night now. Be good people.~~

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