Part 2: Prologue

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I was it. The last of my family. (Y/n) Merlyn. I never used to have a problem with my name, but now, every time I hear it a shiver runs down my spine. I was the daughter of a maniac who killed 503 people in one night and who knows how many more bodies were in his hands. That night was a haze, that entire day was a haze. I only knew two things for sure, my father was a monster and he took my brother with him. After we discovered Tommy bleeding out in the rubble of CNRI, everything became untrustworthy. My brain made things up to cope. One of those things being Oliver's proposal. In fact I never made it back to base with Oliver. I ran as far as I could get myself, at least that's what I could piece together.

I hadn't been to Starling City since that night. The news didn't let go of that. Many news anchors thought I had something to do with my father's plans, but that news got flushed out by Mrs.Queen's trial for aiding and abetting, and the disappearance of both vigilantes. I don't know where Oliver went. He had tried calling me a few times in the beginning, so had Dig and Felicity, but I didn't answer and eventually it all stopped.

I found myself alone, sitting at a bar sipping at my third beer of the night. As much as I wanted to stay in my seclusion, I couldn't. I had things I needed to sign to take over my father's assets, one of those things being Merlyn Global Group. The family business. Part of me wanted to let it go belly up and allow investors to take over it, but the company had been in the Merlyn family for generations. My father may have been a bad person, but my ancestors and Tommy wouldn't want that. Plus, it would pay more than any other job I could get without a college degree. It wasn't much work, at least from what I had planned. I was going to place the company in someone else's hands, someone who hadn't worked with my father. I had met the man a few times and he could surely take the shoes of a CEO. I'd be the voice behind the scenes, all I needed to do was sign some papers.

I sighed, glancing up to the muted TV in the corner of the bar. The subtitles spoke of Oliver's return to Starling City and Queen Consolidated being attacked by 'The Hoods'. Some copycats who thought they'd fill the shoes the vigilantes left. They had no restraint like Oliver and I, but it wasn't my problem anymore. If Oliver was back, he'd take up the hood again. I didn't need to be a part of his crusade anymore, not when I had my own to follow through on. I would repair the Glades and the damage my father had done. I would do it without stacking bodies, I would do it my way. Whether that meant being in a hood or being the voice of a company, I didn't know but I'd figure it out and I'd do it my way. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Here's the start to part 2 (aka season 2) of Finally Home. I'll be working on the rest of the chapters slowly so maybe expect a chapter a month, at the most. I know I previously said that this story has fallen pretty low on my priorities list, it'll probably stay there for awhile, but I'm going to try and get you people a fully completed sequel. So far I've got a good chunk of the story planned out, I just need to actually put it into words. Have a good day and be good people.~~

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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