Chapter 24

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Diggle, Oliver, and I were all surrounding a computer, watching the video footage of the back robbery.

"See that guy right there? He's got a temper." Diggle said, pointing to one of the men on the screen.

"And he shot Officer Washington." Oliver added.

"That's right." Diggle confirmed.

"Wait, rewind." I broke my silence, noticing something on the man's hand.

Oliver did as I asked.

"Pause there."

Oliver paused the video.

"Zoom in on his hand."

The image on the screen, enhanced to the man's hand. I looked at the object on his hand. It seemed to be a ring of some sort. The answer was staring me straight in the face.

"He has a college ring." Oliver said, noticing the ring as well.

No that wasn't right. It's highly unlikely he would've graduated college.

"High school, more likely." I corrected.

"The ring will give us an ID." Oliver said.

"Yeah, but even with photo enhancement we're gonna have a problem getting a clear shot of that ring." Diggle sighed as he looked at the grainy image on the screen.

"No, but it left an impression the police would have photographed, it'll be in evidence lock up." I said, moving from my spot and grabbing my hood.

"Please tell me you two aren't going where I think you're going." Diggle sighed.

"Nope, Oliver's staying here." Oliver sent me a glance. "I can get in and out much easier by myself."

I left grabbing my equipment on the way out.


I circled the police station trying to find an easy entrance. Finding my target, I picked the lock and climbed through the window. I quickly and stealthily moved through the halls.

"Are you kidding me? I don't wanna hear this. Don't tell me about red tape. One of our own has been shot." A voice sounded.

I listened as he made his way around the corner. Thinking quickly on my feet, I found a ledge on the ceiling holding myself up.

"Tell them to find themselves a pair of scissors." The men passed without noticing me.

I dropped down from my spot, after the men were far enough away. Making my way quickly to one of the computers, I removed the flash drive from my pocket and plugged it into the computer. I typed quickly, transfering the files to the flash drive. After the files were downloaded, I made my way back to the base.


I searched through all the pictures finding the one I needed.

"The bank manager Ace punched, his ring left a mark." I said, using the name the police gave the criminal.

The computer did it's work finding the high school the ring went to. The words Larchmont High School appeared on the screen.

"Larchmont High. High school." I smiled looking at Oliver, knowing I was right that it was a high school.

Oliver rolled his eyes, and gave a small smile my way.

"I cross-referenced his height and relative age with a list of students and alumni." I continued, going back to work.

"Still, that's a pretty long list." Diggle cut in.

"It was, I dug a little deeper and found Kyle Reston. Right before Kyle's senior year, not only did he drop out, he dropped off the grid. Along with his family, father, mother, younger brother."

"There are two other guys involved in this robbery." Oliver said.

"And a woman. Aside from Stan Washington, there were 22 customers and employees that came out of the bank, 9 men, 13 women. Inside the bank, 9 men, 14 women."

"They put a ringer in." Diggle said.

"The mom." Oliver added.

"The police are looking for a crew, we're gonna look for a family." I smiled at my deduction.

"Speaking of which I am incredibly late for mine." Oliver said, rushing out the door.


Oliver and I quickly suited up, a bank was hit about 2 minutes ago. If we were lucky we'd catch these guys before the police got there. We rushed into the tunnels, they used to escape. We were quickly greeted by gunfire. I shot one of the bags from one of their hands. Ace noticed us, immediately shooting at us. Oliver released one of his arrows, hit the gun from Ace's hand. We shot the rest of the bags from their hands. The men ran, leaving Oliver and I to deal with the police. I shot a power box making the power in the building shut down. We left in the darkness.  

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Nothing much to say today. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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