Chapter 66

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I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and quickly opened my eyes. Looking up I saw Oliver, Tommy and Diggle.

"Where's your father?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know."

Diggle walked the room investigating, he stopped at the entrance of the panic room. The door was ajar.

"Oliver." Oliver got up and walked to Diggle as I stood up. "Looks like a false wall."

Grabbing a gun off the ground, I told Tommy to get to safety and walked up to Diggle and Oliver. I nodded and Diggle started to open the door. We all had our weapons ready. Once the door was fully open we saw my father. He stood there in the copycat's suit, and a bow in his hand.

"Welcome, gentlemen and lady. I've been waiting for you. I wanted to see you watch your city die."

"Where's the transmitter?" Oliver questioned.

"Somewhere I can easily get to it."

"I doubt it. You'll be too dead." Diggle spoke.

Oliver quickly fired an arrow missing, and Diggle fired missing as well. I fired a few shots still to no avail. We cornered him and fought him. He dodged most of our attacks and managed to land a few of his own. He pulled out a knife and threw it into Diggle. He escaped as we moved to Diggle's aid.

"Stairs. Go." Diggle grunted, and we bolted after my father.

We met him on the roof.

"So tell me are you ready to die?"

Oliver released arrows at him and I used my bullets. We exchanged fire and blows, until Oliver caught him off guard with an explosive arrow. We continued to fight. Eventually Oliver got dealt a hard blow he fell to the ground, and my father gained the upper hand against me. He pulled me into a headlock, and I couldn't breathe.

"Don't struggle. It's over, sweetheart." I lowered to my knees and he followed. "There was never any doubt in the outcome. Don't worry. Oliver, Thea and Moira will be joining you in death."

A sharp pain went through my shoulder and my father's grip disappeared. Looking at my shoulder I saw the head of an arrow, and then felt it get ripped back out of me. I started to fall but Oliver caught me.

"Thank you for teaching me what I'm fighting for, but my father taught me how." Oliver helped me to my feet and looked back at my father. "It's over."

"If I've learned anything as a successful business man it's redundancy." My father slouched over secumming to his wounds.

Oliver pressed his earpiece.

"Felicity, there's another device. There's two of them."

The ground beneath us began to shake as we all relied on each other to stand. Oliver looked at me as we both realized Laurel was right in the middle of the earthquake. Even though I had every reason to hate her, I would never wish death upon her. I zipped up my hoodie and pulled on my hood. We quickly found a bike and illegally borrowed it. We made it to the alleyway behind CNRI. We both stepped off the bike and my gut wrenched hearing Laurel's screams. She was safe and outside, but someone else was trapped and all she could do was call for them. Oliver and I rushed inside and quickly found him. He lied there motionless, under a pile of rubble.

"Tommy." I managed to speak.

Oliver and I both started to move the rubble off of him. We could get him out of here. He'll be fine.

"You're gonna be fine." Oliver said, as we moved the final piece of debris.

"Another thing we've got to disagree on." Tommy's voice was weak.

My heart dropped and a gasp escaped my lips. Tommy's chest was bloodied and a rod was sticking through it.

"Is Laurel safe?" Tommy asked. "I tried to get her out of here."

"Yeah, yeah, you did. You saved her." I knelt down next to Tommy.

He softly smiled and nodded.

"We're gonna get you out of here." Oliver said. "You're gonna be fine."

Oliver moved to pull Tommy off the rod, but Tommy's hand grabbed his.

"Oliver, stop. I'm, I'm sorry." Tommy struggled to breath and tears started to pour from my eyes.

"No. Don't apologize."

"I was angry and I was jealous. I..." Tommy paused clearly fighting off a wave of pain. "I am my father."

"No. no." I grabbed his hand and rested my other hand on his cheek. "No, you're not."

"Did you kill him?"

"No." I lied, sparring Tommy more pain.

"Thank you." Tommy's face went limp and his hand let go of mine.

"No. no." Oliver wrapped an arm around me. "Tommy."

Oliver tried to pull me away, but I quickly moved to hold my brother.

"It should've been me. Open your eyes, Tommy." Oliver's pulled me away and into him.

My body began to shake and my vision was blurred. Oliver held me tight as he pulled me out of the building and back to the bike. Everything blurred together as we made it back to base. We never made it inside. I collapsed on the ground crying and Oliver stayed with me. My head rested on his shoulder and my arms wrapped around him. We sat there holding each other for a while. Oliver mumbled a few words into my neck, and pulled us apart unable to hear what he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you and I never want to lose you. Marry me, (Y/n)." Oliver's face was desperate.

In that moment I knew that it was going to be us against the world for the rest of our lives. I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss and smiled into it knowing this would be mine forever.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Here's the final one. You guys are amazing. I was going through some tough times when I first started this, and you guys have helped me through it. Thank you. I truly couldn't be more grateful. I know I mentioned I might do a sequel, but I've decided I want to try to write an original book. So that's the end of Finally Home. I'm not leaving Wattpad, though. I'll still be on, just not posting. I hope you all have a good day. Be good people. Fallen_Angel out.~~

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