Chapter 58

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When we got back I noticed a few texts from Tommy. Something about Mr.Lance accusing him of selling vertigo. I quickly left knowing he would need help. I went to Laurel and Tommy's apartment to find that he wasn't there, and Laurel had no idea where he was. I tried to call him but he didn't answer. I needed to find him. I circled back to Verdant in hopes to find him. I entered the loading dock to find Tommy and Mr.Lance face to face. Then Mr.Lance left. Tommy looked up to me, his face asking if we had any leads. I shook my head, saying not really. I stayed with Tommy for a while, before Laurel showed up. They talked while I stayed at the bar. A door opened drawing my attention to it. Oliver came rushing in. He locked eyes with me and then headed for the back.

"Ollie, what's wrong?" I caused him to pause.

"Bad night." He said then turned, only to be stopped again.

"It's about to get worse." Mr.Lance entered with a group of cops behind him, and walked straight to my brother. "Mr.Merlyn, as requested a warrant to search the premises."

Laurel snatched the warrant from Mr.Lance's hands.

"I can't believe you're doing this." She said, as she scanned over the paper.

"Believe it." Mr.Lance started to head for the basement door.

Oliver and I exchanged a panicked look.

"Detective." I moved from my spot at the bar. "I'm not an attorney, but on what grounds are you searching our club?"

"Your general manager bribed a government official to keep him from inspecting the entirety of your building." Mr.Lance spoke. "Because he's selling Vertigo out of this club."

"(Y/n) the warrant's valid." Laurel said, I moved out of the Detective's way.

"Thank you." He walked past me, and walked to the basement door. "A sub level is not listed on the inspection's floor plans. However, I pulled the county records. There's something down there. I wanna see for myself what it is. Oh, look at that." Mr.Lance gestured to the pin pad on the door. "Open the door."

"You're making a mistake." Oliver walked up to the door and sighed.

"No. You are, if you don't open that door." Oliver made no movements. "I said open the door."

Oliver turned and unlocked the door. We all went down the stairs, and I found my way next to Oliver. This was it. We were going to jail. My hand intertwined with his. We shared one last glance at each other. Both of us knew it would be our last. Until Tommy turned the lights on. I stared in awe. Our base was gone. It was replaced with boxes of booze. My hands grip loosened slightly. We were safe.

"The place is kind of a mess, I've been using it to store the bulk of our inventory." Tommy said.

"What's in the boxes?" Detective Lance asked.

"Why don't you have a look?"

Mr.Lance reached in a box pulling out a bottle of whiskey.

"Well, if prohibition were still in effect you might actually have the basis of a criminal complaint." Laurel's voice was sharp.

"Would you like to open the rest of the crates?" Tommy asked.

"So if you don't have anything to hide why didn't you want the inspector down here?" Mr.Lance questioned.

"Well, the ventilation system in this place hasn't been updated since the '60s. I mean we shouldn't even be open." Tommy lied.

Mr.Lance left his police following behind. I stayed downstairs to unpack our stuff, while Tommy, Laurel and Oliver went upstairs. A few minutes later I heard some yelling between Oliver and Tommy. It sounded pretty heated, so I didn't bother to go upstairs when I was done. Oliver seemed pretty upset when he came downstairs so I gave him some space, and went out on my bike. I pulled to a stop at a red light when my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the text. It was from Felicity saying they found the Count and Oliver would need back up. I threw my phone back in my pocket and headed back to the base. Walking in I saw Felicity. She caught me up to speed as I suited up. When I made it to my location I heard an explosion. I rushed to where it was and saw Diggle fighting a man and Oliver struggling to stand. I made my way to Oliver's side. He was clutching onto an arrow with medicine in it. His eyes showed he needed it. I quickly stabbed it into his chest, causing him to gasp in pain. I got to my feet and moved to help Diggle. We struggled against the man. We finally won, and I noticed Oliver had headed to find the other man. I went one way as Diggle went another. Oliver would be in no shape to take on the man. I paused seeing Oliver standing Infront of a man.

"I doubt you you aim a single arrow." The man spoke, not noticing me.

I drew an arrow and stepped forward.

"He doesn't have to." I released the arrow into the man.

I helped Oliver outside and back to the base.

~~Hi,Fallen_Angel here. Sorry about not posting on Sunday, I got caught up in making mother's day dinner for my mom. See ya'll Sunday. Have a good day. Be good people. 

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