Chapter 38

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Chatter filled our ears as we made our way into Fyer's camp. The men paid no attention to me, my time spent here assured I was an ally. Oliver's eyes locked on the food cart, it was clear he hadn't had a decent sized meal in awhile. I led him over to the cart, and handed him a tray.

"Different day, same slop." A man said, coming up beside us.

I gave him a small smile in acknowledgement.

He looked towards Oliver.

"You new?" He asked.

"Yeah." Oliver answered.

"Don't worry, it took me a year to find my way around the island." The man went to leave, but was stopped by Oliver.

"I'm supposed to be transporting a prisoner. A chinese guy who wears a green hood."

"Sounds like the guy they took to the east camp. I'm heading over that way. Come on. You can hitch a ride." The man offered.

We headed to the vehicle and got in. We were about to leave when we were stopped by an al to familiar voice.

"Hold up!" Fyers commanded.

He quickly noticed me. He climbed into the back of the vehicle with me. Fyers was an unreadable book, you never knew what he was going to do. He leaned to my ear and spoke so only I could hear.

"Did you think you could come back without a punishment? You'll be joining your new friends in a cell when we get there. If you try anything my men won't hesitate to put you down. Understood?"

I nodded slightly, as the vehicle's engine started. I was so incredibly screwed.


My phone rang causing me to look at it. The caller ID revealed that it was my dad. He and I haven't been talking recently, thanks to what he did to Tommy. I answered, knowing that it could be important.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Hey, (Y/n)." After a moment of silence, he broke it. "(Y/n), I know things have been, strained between all of us since-"

"Since you cut Tommy off and told him he was a loser." Anger started to surface in my voice.

"I was just trying to jolt him into adulthood. And look at him now. He's got his first job. My tough love worked."

"What do you want?" I asked, already fed up with this conversation,

"Nothing more than to share a meal with my son and daughter. Dinner tomorrow night? Tommy will be there."

Thinking on my feet I came up with a quick lie.

"I have a date."

"Bring him along. I think it's time I get to know the mystery person you've been hanging out with. (Y/n) I know I've said some pretty hurtful things and I regret them, but you're still my daughter. I still want what I've always wanted, for us to be close."

"Let me check with my date, and I'll get back to you."

I ended the phone call. Shit, how was I going to explain this to Oliver. I couldn't back out now. My buzzed with a text from Oliver, 'Meet me a Blackhawk in ten, wear your suit.'. I rushed to our base throwing on my suit. I'd bring it up to Oliver later, for now we had work to do. We didn't need any more distractions.

Meeting up with Oliver we silently made our way into Blackhawk. We threw a few tranquilizers into guards. We entered Gaynor's office. Oliver pushed him into his desk causing him the fall.

"Ted Gaynor, we're going to have a conversation." Oliver said.

"You make a move, go for a gun, anything and things will end badly for you." I said, putting an arrow on my string.

The sound of a gun clicking drew our attention. Oliver and I pulled back our arrows and turned to see the culprit.

"Put the bows down."

God fucking damn it, Diggle. I would say many more creative words, but no one would hear them so what's the point?

Thinking fast Oliver turned, shooting the computer, causing both men to be distracted by the sparks. I quickly grabbed a flash drive Gaynor was messing with when we got here, and followed Oliver.

I sure as hell was going to let loose on Diggle when we got back, and Oliver was never going to let him hear the end of it.


Slamming my equipment on the table, I yelled at Diggle.

"We could've shot you. We could've killed you." I'm pretty sure I scared Diggle, he was more used to my calm side, my silent minding my own business side. "What the hell were you thinking?"

I got up in Diggle's face.

"I'm not going to let you William Tell an innocent man." Diggle said, not backing down.

"Gaynor isn't innocent, Diggle." Oliver said, calmer than me.

Not what I expected from Oliver.

"You seem to think that mainly because of what's in that damn book, which you apparently trust more than you trust me."

Oh, that definitely struck a nerve with Oliver. Oliver quickly spun around, his face full of anger.

"I trust my father. And he explained to me that every name on that list has a reason to be there."

"I thought you took that list off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?"

Oliver took a breath releasing we never told Diggle about the message we found.

"A few years ago, I found a message he left me explaining the list."

"How is that possible? You were on a deserted island."

"He didn't say that he found it on the island." I said. "Diggle, for the past four months. We have lied to, hurt and hid things from all the people we care about. Do you really think we would do all this if we weren't sure?"

"Listen, Gaynor got me into Blackhawk and I'm going to prove he's innocent." Diggle said, his voice showing he didn't want to continue fighting but to have an understanding between us.

"If he isn't?" Oliver asked.

"You owe me that. You owe me at least that." Diggle said leaving.

Oliver and I exchanged a look, both of us wanting Diggle to be right but knowing if this man was on the list there was a reason.

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. I learned something new today. For the line where Diggle says, I'm not going to let you William Tell an innocent man. I thought it was a problem with the subtitles, but it turns out William Tell was a folk story in Switzerland, he was a sharpshooter with a crossbow. I know it's probably boring to you, but I figured some of you might not understand that line. Anyway, have a good day. Be good people.~~

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