Chapter 19

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I wandered the forest losing hope by the second. It's been a few days now, I think. The days started to blur together, some days I couldn't remember. I haven't eaten or drank anything for god knows how long. The constant feeling of hunger and emptiness in my stomach, a comfort. It made me aware I was still alive, still able to feel. I glanced up the sun in my eyes, and for a second I thought I saw someone. My eyes adjusted, proving me wrong. Telling me that I was still alone and hopeless. I continued forward hoping to find something to eat. I happened across a rabbit. Though I would never dream of eating a rabbit, it seemed like the only option. I had no clue how I was gonna catch it. Hide in a bush and get the jump on it? No, I'll be too slow. Try making a trap? It could work, but without any bait what's the likelihood I'll work. Throw something at it and hope to knock it out? It's no better than the trap idea. However it's probably better. I can't make a trap, but I can throw a rock. With spot on accuracy? Probably not. What other choice do I have though. I looked down at my feet, grabbing the closest rock. I readied my stance and moved my arm to throw. I looked at the rabbit, it was basically at the end of the food chain. Pretty much every animal on the island would try to kill it. Even the man who took Oliver. No stop that, I need to stop holding out hope that Oliver will be back to save my sorry ass. Sara is dead, and so is Oliver, there's no changing that. The rabbit, how many of it's kind have died? And yet it still doesn't let that slow it down. It still lives on, somehow surviving in this hell. If a rabbit can survive, why can't you? The rabbit jerked its head and heard some kind of noise. I looked in the direction of the noise, seeing nothing. I looked back to the rabbit, who stiffened. It finally noticed me. I had to strike now or it'll be too late. I was about to strike when a rush of footsteps came up behind me. The rabbit took off and I was prepared to run too, but someone grabbed my wrist. They pulled me close enough to put their arm around my neck. Air became scarce and I couldn't breath. My eyes became heavy as my body gave out.


I was led through a crowd of news reporters. Oliver and I were separated. The police deemed us too dangerous together. I glanced to my left seeing Oliver being pushed through a similar crowd. Questions were spewed at me. The noise becomes intoxicating. My hands clenched into fists, making me aware of how loose the cuffs were. If I wanted to it would be the easiest thing to get out of, but I'd just make it easier for them. See the police think they know who we are. They think we're the vigilantes. The people under the hoods terrorizing the city's criminals. They also think they have us trapped. That we have no way out. They're only half right. We planned for this, I mean it was only a matter of time before the people started to draw the lines.

After the police finished grabbing finger prints and pictures. I was led into an interrogation room. I sat down, resting my hands in front of me on the table. A few minutes later Mr.Lance entered the room.

"This is a mistake." I said.

"I'll be asking you a few questions. Standard stuff for the report." Mr.Lance took a seat across from me, pulling out a pen and paper. "Have you been arrested before?"

"No." I answered. "Like I said, this is a mistake."

"As far as I can tell, the only mistake I made was not shooting you down at the docks. When I had a chance."

"I am not who you think I am."' Frustration laced each word I uttered.

"Oh, you're exactly who I think you are. You're a dangerous menace who doesn't care about who you hurt, except now you're doing it with bows and arrows instead of trust funds and yachts."

"Detective, you hate me. I get it, but that doesn't make me a vigilante."

"No, the security camera footage of you and Oliver from the Unidac auction with a green hood does that pretty well."

"And as I said again, I ran into the stairwell once you took Walter and left. I ran into Oliver. We saw a duffel, that we thought maybe belonged to the shooter. We grabbed it, looked inside and saw two hoods."

"And, what you took them home with you? Cause we can't find them. And what about harassing Adam Hunt? That just happened to take place right across the street from your little homecoming bash."

"Those were coincidences."

"No. when they pile up like that it becomes evidence."

The door to the room opened to reveal a police officer.

"Her family is here." He said.

"Tell them to wait." Mr.Lance answered.

Before the officer could close the door, my dad's voice made its way to the door.

"I want to see my daughter." My dad pushed his way past the officer, Tommy following close behind.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation here." Mr.Lance said.

"Detective Lance, I know you hate the Queens, but I had no idea you'd go so far to rope my daughter in with this and arrest her without any grounds whatsoever."

"I have solid grounds and I have evidence." Mr.Lance stood from his chair.

"Which you can present to (Y/n) and Oliver's attorney, when he gets here. Until then this interrogation is over, detective." My dad concluded.

"Sure. You have fifteen minutes." Mr.Lance left closing the door behind him.

Leaving Tommy, my dad, and I.

"Detective Lance appears to be on some personal vendetta." My dad sighed.

"He is. He blames Oliver for the death of his daughter. When he saw Ollie and I at the auction the other night, he lost all sympathy towards me." I said.

"Why though, you were just there as a friend it's not like you're with Ollie or anything." Tommy questioned.

Tommy still doesn't know, and never got the chance to tell him. I should tell him, I really should. Not now he's got too much on his mind, he'll get mad at me.

"I don't know, but he thinks I dress up in a green hood and shoot people with arrows."

"The important thing is not to say anything until both, you and Oliver's, shared attorney gets here." My dad said.

"Shared?" I raised an eyebrow towards the word.

"Since you were arrested on the same charges and everything you and Oliver will have the same trials, and will be tried together." My dad responded.

"Fine, but I don't want an attorney. Unless Oliver wants one." I said.

Tommy and my dad both exchanged a glance, knowing there was no way to change my mind.

"Okay, then we'll talk to the Queens about it." My dad agreed.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry I totally forgot to publish on Friday, so I'll be posting a second chapter today. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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