Chapter 41

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I was going to go home after the hearing, but Oliver drug me along with him. He didn't say much, he just refused to let go of my hand. The car ride was silent, Mrs.Queen, Thea, and Oliver all stared into space. I'm pretty sure Thea and Mrs.Queen didn't even notice me, or if they did they paid no mind to my presence. We reached the Queen mansion, and everyone went to enter. Oliver was the last to head to the door. His hand was still in mine, pulling me along. This wasn't my place, the Queen's deserved whatever privacy after everything that just happened. I stopped causing Oliver to pull my arm, but I stayed in my spot. He sent a questioning look my way.

"You should have some privacy with your family, I should go." I said, removing my hand from his.

He looked at me trying to decode my facial expression. I knew he would figure it out, after all we're pretty much open books to each other. His face went soft.

"(Y/n), you are a part of my family." Oliver smiled.

"No, don't do that. Both of our families are crumbling, you still have a chance to save yours. Go, I'll be here when you're done." I smiled, and walked away before he could say anything.

One word from him and I'd be right back at his side, but he needed to be with just his family. Whether I was considered a part or not, his family needed him. I would just be an awkward presence.


Ya Fei walked to the edge of Oliver's cell. Hunger, exhaustion, and dehydration made it hard to even stay awake. Ya Fei the man Oliver trusted with his life, and the man I so willing trusted. He was a traitor, we were going to die now thanks to him. I would never see my family again. Never feel my brother's embrace. Never hear my father's voice. Never smell the smell of home. That old, home smell that was one of the most comforting things in the world. No of it would ever grace me with its presence, thanks to the man we trusted. The man we should've been more wary about.

"You're working for them now?" Oliver's voice was hoarse. "Why are you doing this to us? I thought we were friends or something. I mean why'd you bother keeping me safe if you were just going to hand me over to them?"

Oliver looked up, his eyes desperate.

"Just get us out of here." Oliver pleaded.

"I can't." Ya Fei handed Oliver a cup.

"Hey, don't leave us here! We came back for you! Do you hear me? We came back for you!" Oliver's voice became louder and more desperate with each step Ya Fei took.


Oliver texted me saying he needed help with the Bratva. Knowing that I already established connections with them, he figured what I would be best to confront them. Dig, Oliver, and I entered the garage where the Bravta was.

"I've seen a fair amount of Cyrillic back in Afghanistan left over by the Soviets. Is this Russian owned?" Dig questioned.

"This is the not so hidden headquarters for the Starling City chapter of the Bratva. Diggle, Oliver. Whatever I say, whatever goes down. Just go with it." I directed my words more towards Dig, than Oliver.

Seeing the man from before approaching, I greeted him in Russian.

"Good to see you again."

"Good to see you too." The man said, speaking in English. "Long time. Particularly for a Bratva captain."

"I was trying to figure out where to put my interests. I decided on pharmaceuticals." I tossed the bags I had in my hands, to the floor. "I don't mean aspirin."

"A wise choice. Mephedrone would be a good investment for you. It's the newest thing."

"I was thinking Vertigo. Newer thing."

"Tough market, Vertigo. Only one seller."

"I know. I was hoping you could do me a favor and arrange a meeting."

"He's a difficult man and he does not like new friends."

I turned to Dig, extending my hand for the file he has. Once I received it, I held it out in front of the man.

"This is everything the police have on him. Tell him it's a gift."

The man took the file from my hand. After a few seconds of scanning it, the man looked back at me.

"I will see what I can do provided you do a favor for me."

"Anything." I said, switching to Russian.

"It is unusual for an American, female to hold such a position of esteem in our organization, Miss.Merlyn. Anatoli Knyazev. He speaks very highly of you." The man continued in English.

"He should. I saved his life." I said, in English.

A man drug a beat up man into the room.

"What did he do?" I asked, gesturing to the man.

"Something I told him not to. Now the favor. Kill this man for me and I will believe your interest in our organization is genuine. And then I will arrange a meeting with The Count."

Killing someone wasn't new to me, but this felt very wrong. I quickly glanced at Oliver. He needed this for Thea. Thea needed this. The man had done something wrong, it's not like I was killing an innocent man. Right? The man holding the man up threw him towards me. I caught him. Dig seemed as though he was very displeased. I thought he was going to say something, but Oliver broke his silence.

"(Y/n)-" His voice showed me that I was allowed to say no.

That he wouldn't be upset if I did. He acted as though he was going to say more, but I had to do this. For Oliver's family. Mine was already a mess, he didn't deserve that pain.

"Hey, shut up!" I snapped.

I put the man into a headlock, cutting off all air to his lungs. Within a minute the man was dead. I dropped him allowing his lifeless body to hit the floor. The man, who drug the man out, bent down to check his pulse. He nodded towards the main man. He smiled and said a few words in Russian.

"What are friends for?" I returned. 

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. So um yeah that just happened. Hope you all have a good day, see ya Friday. Be good people.~~

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