Chapter 44

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After Oliver and I had what I guess you would call a date, we went back to the base.

"Now what?" Diggle asked, greeting us at the entrance.

Oliver made his way down the steps, and I followed behind.

"Like you said we analyze the Vertigo. It's in liquid form, which means it contains water. So maybe we can trace back to where in the city The Count is," I paused as the room started to spin slightly, and then quickly finished. "Cooking up his garbage."

The spinning increased causing my balance to fail. I fell onto the railing. The world is still spinning. Pain surged through me. My eyes became heavy and the last thing I saw was Oliver rushing towards me. His lips were moving like he was saying something, but I couldn't hear a word. I couldn't hear anything, just the sound of my pumping heart. Then finally darkness.


I watched as they carried Oliver's body away. I was alone again, but this time I was surrounded by hungry wolves. Fyers walked in front of me. His eyes scanned my face and he smiled slightly.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I have a lot more in store for you. You'll be begging for mercy." Fyers smirked, but it soon dropped as he realized his words didn't scare me. "Take her to a cell."

I was harshly pulled to my cell. What little fight I had died with Oliver. They could do whatever they wanted, eventually I'd be back with him again.


I soon regained consciousness. Diggle and Oliver both pushed that I needed to go to a hospital. I brushed them off. I was fine. Truly I felt fine. What we needed to do was get the Vertigo analyzed. They finally caved to my protests, and we went to Queen Consolidated. I might've lied about the whole being fine, but really I could handle it. If I took a corner too fast the world spun, so I just don't take a corner too fast. We exited the elevator as we made it to our floor. Taking the corner a little bit too fast, my feet became unsteady. Oliver quickly wrapped his arm around mine and held me up.

"We need to get you to a hospital." Diggle said, noticing my instability.

"No." I shut him down quickly.

We continued walking Oliver keeping his arm around mine.

"(Y/n), god knows what was in that drug. It could be causing permanent damage." Diggle continued to push.

Noticing the person we were looking for, I nudged Oliver towards her. I would've spoken,but my head started to pound.

"Felicity." Oliver said. "They said you'd be up here."

Felicity quickly noticed my state.

"You look like something the cat dragged in. Not that there are cats in this building. Well, once a cat did get in, but a guard tased it. It smelt like fur and static in here for like a week." I smiled slightly at her rambling.

My vision started to blur again. Light. Light seemed to be another thing that set it off.

"Do you mind stepping away from the window for a minute? I have a little bit of a hangover." I asked.

Felicity smiled and gestured for us to follow her.

"Sounds like you need a bloody mary and a pretzel, not the IT Department."

"Actually, my buddy Kevin is starting a energy drink company. He says it's fantastic for curing hangovers but I am very particular about what it is I put in my body." I said, pulling out the syringe. "I'm trying to find a secret recipe. Could you please do a spectro-analysis of the sample and find out exactly where in the city it's made?"

"If it's an energy drink, why is it in a syringe?" She asked, taking it.

"I ran out of sports bottles." I tried to lie, but I kind of failed.

"Okay." She said, giving me and yeah right face.

She walked away. We went to wait for the elevator.

"Your bullshit stories are getting worse." Diggle said, holding the elevator door open.

"I'm well aware." I responded as Oliver helped guide me in the elevator.


Oliver and I talked in the bunker as we waited for Felicity's results. Diggle walked in holding up his phone.

"Looks like Felicity came through. The solvent used in the Vertigo sample was run off water originating within a ten block radius of where East Glades meets the bay. Nothing there except for an old juvenile detention center abandoned about three years ago."

Oliver and I moved to put on our suits. Oliver moved to stand in my way.

"You're not going out there."

"I'm perfectly fine." I protested.

"You can barely stand without wobbling, I doubt you can aim an arrow."

I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came to mind.

"You know I'm right, go home."

"I'll stay here, I have nothing better to do."

"Yes you do, you have a brother who you need to talk to." He locked eyes with me.

"That can wait." I said, not wanting to confront my brother tonight.

"No it can't." His face was stern, there was no changing his mind.

I wanted to protest more but Oliver bet me to it.

"If you go talk to your brother, you can spend the night at my house." He said leaning in next to my ear, so only I would hear.

I thought it over for a few seconds. Talking to Tommy wouldn't be that bad. Would it?

"Will there be Big Belly Burger?" I questioned.

"Only if you go talk to your brother. I'm saving my sister tonight, and you're saving your relationship with Tommy."

"Okay, just don't die alright?" I smiled looking at him.

"Promise." He left suited up and ready to kick The Counts ass.


I took a deep breath knocking on the door in front of me. The door opened a few seconds later and before me stood Laurel.

"Hi." She smiled, but her eyes showed she knew something.

"Hey, is Tommy here?" I said, fidgeting with a lint ball in my pocket.

"Uh, yeah one second." She walked away from the door, and heard some speaking before Tommy came to the door.

"Hi." He said, not really looking me in the eyes.

"Hey, we need to talk."

"Yeah, that was my bad. I shouldn't have said what I said, I was just concerned about your safety. I'm sorry."

"You weren't completely wrong, I was driving too deep, but for different reasons. Our family isn't what it used to be. We barely even speak to dad. I just thought I could help Oliver not have to feel that pain. And I'm sorry for exploding on you."

Tommy stepped out of the apartment, and closed the door.

"Come on." He said walking down the hallway.

"What are you doing?"

"You remember that park we used to go to when we were little?"

"The one with the little yellow and green dinosaurs everywhere?" I smiled recalling many happy memories.

"Yeah that one."

We walked to the park, thanks to it not being far from Laurel's. We sat in the grass for a while talking and laughing. Until I got a text from Oliver, saying he was back and at his house with the Big Belly Burger. We said our goodbyes, and I went to Oliver's. We spent the night watching movies, and snacking. 

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. Here's an bonus chapter, just cause I was bored and needed something to do. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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