Chapter 22

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There was the sound of fighting in the tent where the screaming boy was. I exited my tent to see the hooded man pulling along someone. I grabbed a knife and ran after the man. After all he killed Oliver, it was time I repaid him the favor. I followed him into a cave where he laid the man down, as I looked closer at the man I realized something. It wasn't just some random man, it was Oliver. That man didn't kill him as I presumed. Now I understood why. If Fyers had found Oliver he would've killed him, and thanks to this man, Oliver was safe. I tucked behind a rock, so I wasn't noticed. The man said a few things to Oliver, before running out of the cave. He didn't notice me, as he cut a rope causing rocks to cover the entrance. Leaving me trapped with Oliver, who still didn't know I was there.


I sat in my room watching some movie on TV. I didn't catch the name of it, but it had something to do with vampires and werewolves. There wasn't much to do, since I couldn't leave the house. Right about now Oliver would be throwing his party, to cover up where he is. As for my cover up, the house had security cameras pretty much everywhere. If I were to somehow leave, it would be caught on camera. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I called from my bed.

"Miss.Merlyn, I have your diner."

"Sure." I got up and pulled the door open.

The man on the other side lifted a gun in attempts to shoot me. I grabbed his wrist, twisting the gun from his hand. We immediately started sending jabs at each other. The sound of police cars flooded my hearing. How were they here so fast? Something must've happened earlier to make them already be here. As I was distracted he kicked me back, and grabbed his gun aiming it at me. I heard gunshots, but I wasn't hit. The man fell revealing detective Lance's partner.


"How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked as he finished reporting to detective Lance.

"Oliver was attacked as well, and when you were fighting you broke the ankle monitor.

The sound of two rushed footsteps entered the room, they belonged to Tommy and my Dad.

"Are you alright?" Tommy asked, rushing to my side.

"I'm fine." I smiled trying to make him feel better.

"(Y/n)." My dad said.

"Dad, I promise."

"This is on your partner, by accusing my daughter publicly he made her a target."

"Do you have any idea who attacked (Y/n)?" Tommy asked.

"We haven't identified him yet, though it must be someone with a grudge against the hood, obviously."

He walked over to me, bending down and taking off the ankle monitor.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I got a call from the lieutenant. An arms dealer was attacked across town tonight. By the vigilante. Multiple witnesses put them both there. In light of that, all charges against your daughter and Oliver are being dropped."


I hopped off my motorcycle, and rushed into the Queen's mansion. Hearing voices in the living room I headed into there. I scanned the room, my eyes locking on detective Lance. He seemed as though he was leaving. I switched my glance to Oliver and Thea, who were holding hands. I switched my glance back to Mr.Lance. Anger boiling inside me. He made me a target, which I'm fine with, but what if my family was home one of them could have gotten hurt. He lowered his head and left the room.

"You okay?" Oliver asked, noticing my anger.

"What's up with people asking me that question lately?" I smiled, my anger melting away. "I believe you owe me a movie."

Oliver smiled, standing up and leading me to the other living room to watch a movie.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Not much to say today. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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