Chapter 18

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Oliver and I made our way back to our base. I removed the ski mask to access that damage. I looked into the mirror. My lip cracked and my cheek turned an awful shade of purple. How was I supposed to explain this? Oliver placed his hand on my cheek, turning my head to face him. His eyes roaming my face, sadness filling them. I placed my hand on his. I softly smiled trying not to split my lip any more.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry." Oliver sighed.

"For what? Having my back out there. That's what team mates do, right?" I continued to smile, hoping to bring Oliver's spirits up.

"Yeah, but-" Oliver began.

"Oh, will you stop blaming yourself for everything. I swear you carry the whole world on your shoulders sometimes. Someone could lose their pen and you'd think it's your fault."

A small smile appeared on his lips. He shook his head knowing I was right. His eyes became playful, as he stared deep into my eyes.

"Make me." He smirked.

I wrapped both my arms around his neck, and placed my hands behind his head. A smile spread across my face as I pulled him in. Our lips connected for a few seconds, before we separated. We rested our foreheads on each other. My arms were still wrapped around his neck. His hands shifted to my sides, and then he pulled me closer. His arms loosely around my back, seemingly never wanting to let go.

"What would I ever do without you?" He asked, his breath warming my face.

"Crash and burn." I quipped, and then pulled him in for a quick kiss.

I pulled away, turning on one of the computers and putting on the news.

"At least five federal, state, and local agencies are seeking millions of dollars in fines and environmental cleanup costs from Brodeur Chemical. New facts have come to light, that Brodeur Chemical employee, Camille Declan, had discovered Brodeur was illegally disposing waste and had collected a file of evidence against her employer, before her murder in 2007. Peter Declan, who was convicted of killing his wife has been released and the case has been reopened." The new anchor spoke.

"It looks like another job well done." I said, as Oliver nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"What do you say we take a break. Head back to my place, watch a movie or something." Oliver smiled.

"Sure, but I gotta run home first. I'll meet you there." I pecked Oliver's lips, before making my exit.


Oliver opened the door, pulling me inside.

"Before we start our movie, Dig is here and he wants to talk to us." Oliver said, leading me into the living room where John was waiting.

"You hear for the new bodyguard position? Cause the new guy just quit." Oliver joked, trying to get the conversation going.

"No, I'm not. I'm here about the other position. Just to be clear, I'm not signing on to be a sidekick. But you're right. Fighting for this city needs to be done and you're gonna do this with or without me." John paused, Oliver and I both nodding at what he said. "But with me, there'll be fewer casualties, including the two of you."

"John, We aren't looking for someone to save us." I said.

"Maybe not, but you need someone just the same. You're both fighting a war. Except you have no idea what war does to you. How it scrapes off little pieces of your soul, and you need someone to remind you of who you are, not this thing you're becoming." John reached out his hand shaking both Oliver's and I's hands.

The sound of cars pulling in becoming apparent. The doors flyed open soon after.

"Oliver Queen." A voice called, as police flooded the entrance of the house.

"What is this?" Walter asked, from somewhere by the door. "You can't just barge in here."

"Yeah? Well, I got a badge and a gun that says different." Detective Lance quipped.

Oliver, John and I walked in.

"What the hell's going on?" Oliver demanded.

"Oliver, what's happening?" Thea questioned coming down the stairs.

"Oh, look the two of you are already here. Doesn't that just make my job easier." Mr.Lance smiled.

"Oliver Queen and (Y/n) Merlyn, you're both under arrest on suspicion of obstruction of justice, aggravated assault-" Detective Lance said, cuffing Oliver as Detective Lance's partner cuffed me.

"Walter, stop them!" Thea begged, cutting off Detective Lance.

I looked over to Oliver, anger spreading on his face. We locked eyes, having a wordless conversation.

"Trespassing, acting as vigilantes-" Detective Lance tried to continue.

"Are you out of your mind?" I growled.

"And murder." Detective Lance finished listing the accusations, while looking me dead in the eyes. It seemed any pity he had for me was long gone.

I looked at Mrs.Queen, my eyes locking on her's.

"Can you call Tommy and my dad, please?" She sent me a quick nod, as Oliver and I were dragged away.

Our Miranda rights being read to us, as we were dragged out. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Hope you had a good day. Be good people.~~

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