Chapter 53 Saving Grace

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"How could you do this? There are only four warriors left, Octavia was one of them

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"How could you do this? There are only four warriors left, Octavia was one of them. She might have won."
"She might not have. Bellamy you were right she had a chance but Luna was in the final four as well. This means there is even a bigger chance of nobody getting into this bunker, of nobody surviving. The end of not only the human race but werewolves and vampires! Can you not understand that?"
"Yeah, I can understand you did what you think you had to do like always, sending 100 juveniles down to Earth, the culling of 320 people, and now this. You can't expect me to stay down here not knowing what happened to my sister!"
"We're not opening that door son."
"I must have missed the election that made you Chancellor again!" Jaha gives him a look as Abby walks into the office.
"I was setting up the infirmary and I heard people in the corridor, is it over? Did we win?" Abby's eyes trailed down to Clarke still chained to the chair. "Why is she tied down? And is that wolf's bane I smell?"
"We don't know." Bellamy says looking at Abby.
"Where's Marcus?"
"He was in the tower, we sent people for him, Bellamy, and Octavia. Bellamy was the only one we could get in time, sorry."
"Give me a radio, Marcus has his." Jaha shakes his head.
"The walkies are no good down here."
"Get me out of these chains!"
"If you are going to trap us down here they have the right to say goodbye."
"What is she talking about?" Bellamy asks.
"There is a way through the desk." Abby rushes over as Jaha stands in front of her, Bellamy trying to pick up the chains from Clarke hissing as the wolf's bane touches his skin.
"I understand your need to know, but I promise you there is more pain on the other side of the radio. The radiation levels have become critical. People outside are already feeling the effects. Once they realized that we took this bunker, there will be chaos and if we open that door, we let that chaos inside."
"I understand, now get the hell out of my way." Bellamy takes off the final chains as he helps Clarke stand up and walk towards the desk. She pushes down on a button reveal a screen to the three of them.
"Our walkies are set to 21.5 megahertz." Clarke says as Bellamy tweaks the knobs.
"Can anyone communicate? Can anyone hear me, over?" The three look at each other furrowing their eyebrows. "This is Octavia, can anyone hear me, damn it!" Bellamy picks up the radio.
"O, it's me, are you okay?" Octavia and Indra look at each other.
"I'm alive! I won! Bell, what the hell did you do?"
"It wasn't me but I'll fix it."
"We don't have much time." Indra says to Octavia.
"Listen to me, when I won I decided to share the bunker with everyone, a hundred from each clan. Kane is buying us time helping them select their people and Gaia somehow convinced the scouts to lock down the temple. But if anybody finds out that Skaikru stole the bunker, we're all dead."
"Copy that, I'm on my way." Miller and a few other guards walk into the office with Jaha. They hardly noticed him leaving until he stood sternly before them.
"Turn off the radio." Jaha instructs.
"Thelonious, we can save them." Abby says looking at him incredulously.
"O, I'm going to need some time."
"Wait, what? Bellamy we don't have-" Jaha cuts the radio off. "Bellamy?"
"Did you hear her? The grounders are listening to her now, but they won't be for much longer. I am opening that door."
"I'm sorry, but right now our people are safe we cannot risk that."
"To stop me you're going to have to kill me." Jaha looks at one of the guards behind Bellamy as he turns his head.
"Come on Bellamy, Alpha, it doesn't have to be like this." Miller tries to reason. "Clarke..." Bellamy charges at the guard knocking him down as Miller and the other guard grab Bellamy.
"Clarke, you know I'm right, help me." Jaha says looking at her. Torn she looks at her mate fighting as her eye flicker to green, Bellamy pushing the two men down. The other guard shocks Bellamy to the ground as he convulses. Bellamy turns to look at Clarke and Jaha. Clarke worry stricken looks down in a dilemma.
"You didn't have to shock him..." Clarke whispers.
"I'm sorry Clarke but this is necessary." She scrunched her eyebrows looking at Jaha then Bellamy lying on the floor in pain.

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