Chapter 11 Admit it, You Want One

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"Bellamy! Bellamy! Hey I'm talking to you." Raven pulls Bellamy's arm to look at her once he got to camp, unable to stay at the bunker any longer. "I see you're better, we need a plan to go find Finn, Clarke, and Monty."
"Not now Raven."
"We can't just abandon our people. You want to lead them, show them you give a damn."
"I do give a damn! For God's sake!" Bellamy gives her a stern look as a gunshot echoed through the night.


"Whoa! What the hell was that?" Someone yells. Bellamy rushes over to the kid who was in a daze.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" Bellamy stomps up the hill.
"I'm sorry, man, I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day." A squirrely boy says looking at Bellamy.
"We've all been on watch all day!" Bellamy yells grabbing him by the shirt picking the boy up slightly. "That bullet was one less dead grounder."
"Bell, you're scaring people." Octavia tries to get his attention.
"They should be scared! The bomb on the bridge brought us some time to prepare, but that time is up!" He says walking down the hill. "This camp is the only thing keeping us alive! Get back to work!" He scoffs walking off. Raven, Jasper, and Octavia all look at each other not knowing what else to do.

"Your left flank is vulnerable." A man says standing on top of a hill. Anya stands up looking at him the fire leaving a light glow on her face. Clarke looks at the two of the sitting with her hands bound by shackles.
"My archers are in the trees with orders to kill anyone hostile. You're not hostile are you, Tristan?" The grounder named Tristan walks up to Clarke looking down at her. She sits up tall showing no fear.
"So this is who's beating you?"
"Who are you?" Clarke says slow and steadily.
"I'm the man sent to slaughter your people." He stares at her intently with no visible emotion.
"The Commander sent you?" Anya tilts her head walking up next to Tristan.
"You're unit is mine now." He turns to look at Anya. "My rangers are hungry. They're at the river. We march on the invader's camp at first light. I'll make quick work of what you failed to do, starting with this one." Tristan pulls out a dagger. Everyone turns around hearing the horse nay. They look and see a signal fire in the distance.
"Let them know we see it! Kill the prisoner and meet at the river." Tristan looks at Anya then turns away.
"I'll send my fastest rider to warn the commander."
"No, there is no time. Just get to the river."

"Is the boy dead?" Anya asks a grounder walking up towards her. He looks over his shoulder at Anya and slightly nods giving her a grunt. "Good, kill the girl."
"What?" Clarke whispers, she could feel her heart dropping not wanting the reality of Finn's death be true.
"Then catch up." Anya walks away. Clarke looks at the grounder defeated as the grounder comes up she tries to inch away, only for her to be yanked back by the chain slamming her head to the ground. Darkness surrounds her.

"Jasper, what are you doing?"
"We need to go after them, Bellamy." Bellamy sighs rubbing a hand down his face.
"I know but we can't right now. We need to secure camp and prepare to be ready for anything."
"It's Finn, Monty, my best friend, and Clarke, YOUR best friend. You may not see it but most of us do. We need them, they're our family, whether you accept that or not."
"It's too risky Jasper, just, not yet."
"I'll go make more gunpowder for your minefield... sir." Jasper salutes sarcastically at Bellamy.

Bellamy watches him disappear to the third floor of the drop ship then looks down disheartened. He knows they should go after Clarke, Finn, and Monty but they can't afford losing any more people to grounders with no telling when they will attack, or if their friends are even alive. He made the hard decision not to go after them after leaving the bunker. He felt his heart tighten in his chest hoping they we're alright, hoping she was alright.

"Water... Please." Miles gasps.
"Take it easy I'll get you some." Bellamy looks at Miles then walks out.
"Uhhhhh." Miles groans in the drop ship. Miles breath quickens as a plastic bag surrounds his head.
"This is for tying the noose they hung me with!" Murphy pushes the plastic down harder as Miles struggles. "Say hi to Connor for me." Miles' hand falls to the ground dead.

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