Chapter 7 Fighting Hallucinations

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Bellamy sat upstairs in front of the grounder contemplating. He looked at the grounder playing back the things he did to help Finn, to help Raven, to help Clarke... maybe help himself he didn't know anymore. All the things he did to get down to Earth were for his sister, but now he wasn't so sure.

Bellamy turned his head slightly to the right hearing someone come upstairs.

"Did you talk to the Ark?" Bellamy asked realizing it was Miller.
"I told Dave's mom the news, John's dad. I'm supposed to talk to Roma's parents later."
"Thanks for doing that, I owe you." Bellamy looked at Miller then straight ahead. Bellamy knew he should have been the one to tell those families but he couldn't. He felt he didn't have the right to tell those people their children were dead.
"Telling all these parents that their kids were murdered by grounders, I just wish I could say we were getting some justice." Miller looked at the grounder then at Bellamy.
"We're not killing." Bellamy looks up eyeing Miller.
"You were a lot scarier when you had that face paint on." Miller says walking up to the grounder. Miller slaps berries against the grounder's face as he gets head-butted, falling to the ground. Bellamy looks down at Miller then at the grounder quirking an eyebrow.

"There's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site." Marcus Kane one of the councilmen along with Clarke's mom, flipped a tablet showing Clarke. Raven was able to set up a two way screen after the storm, so the 100 could see the people on the Ark. "Here are the coordinates."
"In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter for the 100 and for the citizens coming down from the Ark." Thelonious Jaha stated.
"And what makes you think it's intact?" Clarke questioned apprehensively.
"It was designed to withstand nuclear warfare." Kane leaned in talking to Clarke.
"All right. It's worth a shot." Clarke agreed.
"Chancellor, I have to object. Project Exodus is under way. The kids should sit tight in their camp until the first drop ship launches." A blonde councilwoman interrupts.
"Even if everything goes without a hitch, the 100 would die from exposure before relief arrives." Jaha looked at the woman in disappointment. "Everyone's dismissed let me talk to Clarke alone first, then let us allow the children to talk to their parents." Everyone leaves leaving Jaha behind.

"Clarke you should talk to your mom, I know she would love to talk to you."
"Look, I don't want to talk to her after with what she did, so tell me who's next so we can let someone who actually wants to talk to their parents have a turn." Clarke looks blankly at Jaha who shifts uncomfortably in his seat. For what he saw, Clarke was becoming more and more of a leader, where he wondered where the carefree girl who was best friend's with his son went. What have they seen and what have they experienced down on the ground. Jaha lets out a long drawn out sigh then looks down at a piece of paper.
"Dax is next in line."
"Okay, I'll go get him, goodbye Chancellor Jaha." Clarke walks out of the tent they setup as their communication center. She scans the camp looking for Dax. The campers were now stocking fire wood, meat, berries, nuts, and various items for the upcoming winter.

"Hey, where's Dax?" Clarke asks walking up to Jasper and Monty. They were both fooling around throwing nuts in each other's mouth. Clarke rolls her eyes but looks at them.
"Here, catch Clarke!" Jasper throws a nut at her, which she happily catches in her mouth.
"I think he could be found skinning the animals." Monty says throwing another nut in Jasper's mouth.
"You guys should be storing that more than eating it." Clarke laughs walking away. "Dax! It's your turn." A tall short haired dirty blonde boy who was quite toned rips through a rabbit turning it inside out. He wipes his hands on his pants, nods at Clarke and heads to coms.

Dax sits down and puts the ear piece in waiting to speak to his mom.

"Where's my mom?" Dax looks confused seeing Commander Shumway.
"You can see her after you and I have a little talk. Are you alone?" The older Asian gentleman asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"If I remember right, you beat a man to death." Shumway accused.
"He stole from me." Dax says uncomfortably.
"Relax, I have a problem, and I think you can help me fix it. And in return I can guarantee your mom a spot on the first drop ship. And for you, any choice assignment when I get to the ground."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Kill Bellamy Blake."

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