Chapter 32 Crawlspaces

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Bellamy paces back and forth in his tent on the outskirts of Arkadia

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Bellamy paces back and forth in his tent on the outskirts of Arkadia. He refused to go back to Polis without Clarke. Lexa nodded and left with Indra instructing them to meet back once Clarke was out.

"Bellamy stop pacing, it's driving me crazy!"
"I'm sorry O, I just can't help it."
"I get it, I'm worried too."
"We haven't heard from her, normally she would say something right?"
"Yes, but she's not alone in there, she has the remaining people of the 100, Kane, Abby, Sinclair, Dante, and the mountain people. You know Clarke and her hero syndrome." Bellamy sighs.
"I know I just wished we weren't in the dark." Octavia places a hand on his shoulder looking at him.
"Clarke's strong and right now we need to focus on Finn and Pike, Monty heard from Kane that they setup a bug in the Chancellor's office and now they're trying to take over the closest village."
"Lexa made it known blood must not have blood and if Pike and his people ruin it for us I don't know how we're going to stop this oncoming war."
"Clarke, I just hope you're not trying to save the world... again..." Bellamy whispers to himself as he discusses what to do next.

Clarke ducks in and out of crawlspaces having everyone on the Ark sync up. Half the camp was with Clarke while a fourth was with Pike and the other fourth was with Jaha. Clarke decided to focus on Pike due to his active duties of being Chancellor. Jaha didn't seem he and his followers oppose a threat so everyone's main focus was Pike and Finn.

"Kane!" Clarke whispered loudly as she duck her head out of the ceiling.
"Clarke, come here I have Octavia on a secured line." Clarke jumped down sitting next to him.
"Clarke?! Thank God are you okay? Why haven't you contacted Bellamy or me?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you both but I've been busy."
"Clarke, is trying to gather everyone and if need be to leave. It's not safe here for anyone that goes against Pike."
"They still don't know I'm here I've been using the crawlspaces. Don't worry I'm safe."
"Man what is with us, me being the girl under the floor, Bellamy in the crawlspaces of Mount Weather and now you in the Ark." Octavia chuckles, Clarke smirks shaking her head.
"I learn from the best. So what's going on?"
"Hana, Gillmer, and another person are down the river getting samples."
"What do you think they're doing?"
"I don't know- shit!"
"What, what is it Octavia?" Kane asks abruptly.
"There's a grounder kid, hang on!"

Gillmer looks up as Hana follows his gaze.

"Hello there!" Hana yells. "Don't be scared."
"We can't let him go." Gillmer says adjusting his rifle. "He'll tell his people he saw us."

"Octavia, please respond." Kane's voice echoes in her ear piece.

"Hana!" She takes a moment and nods, Gillmer raising his rifle. The kid starts running into the woods.
"Fan out! On me!"

"They're going after the kid I'm going to cut them off!" Octavia darts thanking to God her speed has been increasing she follows the kid's scent cutting him off in a different direction and pulls him down. "Shh! It's okay I got you!" She holds her hand over his mouth to slow is ragged breath.
"Double back towards the river, he couldn't have gotten far."

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