Chapter 56 Shallow Valley

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Author's Note: So I know I haven't posted in ages and I can give you all the excuses I have, but I won't do that. For a bit I kept contemplating where I want to take Lunar, if I wanted to end it at the last chapter or if I want to continue. There is still an opened end part that I didn't close up and I wasn't sure if I wanted to conclude that part or like I said just end the series. But I decided to continue on and see how these next few chapters go. I will try to conclude things that are still in question and I'm hoping to finish this story soon. I will put The Hunt on pause as I'm typing a new fan fic and before you ask yes it still is Bellarke themed. It is more or less shorter than the two series I have now but I wanted to at least finish the story before posting. This way you won't have to wait as long, like once every two weeks. Now with that said I will try to post at least once a week with the next few chapters but it may take longer, so I hope you all just bare with me. Also I now have an AO3 account, I will still be continuing here on Wattpad because I absolutely adore Wattpad. But if I feel some content I write might be too much for Wattpad I will post more elicit content there for my more mature audience but I will let you know if there is something posted that is not on here. Without further a do please read on.

Remember always be kind, be respectful, be you!

42 Days After Praimfaya

Clarke digs her way out of the lab looking at the vast desert before her. The once beautiful ocean surrounding the lab was now laid wasted to Praimfaya. Bellamy pushes forward a backpack as she grabs it helping him out followed by the rest of the crew who stayed behind. Rashes fading from their bodies of the radiation that soaked through. They all looked in awe and horror to their surroundings looking at each other wondering how they were able to survive. Clarke digs through the pack pulling out a map.

"210 miles to Polis." She says looking at the map.
"At least we don't have to swim." Murphy mumbles.
"We got this, we do this together." Bellamy says gathering everyone's attention. "We already packed the last of the remaining rations, bring only necessities." Everyone nods crawling back gathering all the equipment.

Once settled they head out looking ahead without looking back.

The sun scorches high above as everyone treads forward. They come across the stacked stones where they had first set off to the island; Clarke drops her pack pulling a small shovel and starts digging. Everyone looks at her weirdly before helping her dig.

Thunk! Thunk!

They all look at each other before realizing what she was digging for. They all scramble to dig faster revealing the rover. They all laugh whole heartedly digging the vehicle out as they clamored into the vehicle before Bellamy drives off.

Boom! Boom!

Bellamy looks off at the side before realizing a sandstorm is coming their way. Everyone closes the vents and the windows before he speeds off.

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