Chapter 16 Fog and Tension

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Two days go by as the 48; Murphy, Finn, Octavia, Bellamy, and Clarke are debriefed.

Clarke was sitting at a table outside near a fire playing with a tin cup in her hands contemplating what to do next. Jasper had pulled her aside earlier talking to her about Maya, she had helped Clarke's people escape Mount Weather but something didn't sit well with her. When she had escaped prior they sent out guards to chase after her and Anya, but when Maya helped them out nothing happened. She didn't think Maya had anything to do with it, it just seemed odd.

She had promised Anya that they would help each other to get their people out, but now her people are 'safe.' She considered their next best plan she wasn't going to go back on her word, but how does she bring up the conversation to her mother. She had also agreed to help Jasper get Maya out and anyone who did not agree how Mount Weather was experimenting on the grounders. It was only a matter of time of cat and mouse, that they would send out reinforcement to capture her people once again. She will be damned if she would let her people be experimented on.

Bellamy sat in front of Clarke looking at her intently.

"Well that went better than I thought."
"What do you mean?"
"Well they pardoned me for leading the group out to go find you guys, even though your mother was a part of it. So what's the plan now?"
"I don't know we need to figure out something. I'm not just going to sit by and wait."
"Neither am I. You know, if you do this I'll be there right with you." Clarke smiles tilting her head to the side.
"I know there is no one that I trust more than you." Bellamy smirks, he was about to grab Clarke's hand but remembered their bet and pulls away. Clarke looked at his hand wishing he would touch her but brushed off the coldness of her hand.
"I need to go check on Octavia I'll talk to you later?"
"Yeah, talk to you later." Clarke smiles as she watches Bellamy's retreating back.

Murphy had plopped down in the empty seat next to Clarke forcing her gaze from Bellamy to him.

"They had pardoned all of us for our crimes including our time on the ground, but are keeping us under surveillance to watch over us. Maybe it's the fact we have bigger fish to fry now." Clarke nods as she lowered her head and whispered to Murphy.
"The mountain men are going to retaliate and you know that. Why would they just let the rest of us go when they gave Anya and me such a hard time? Our alliance with the grounders is the key to win against them."
"Clarke, I know you want to help them and hell I'm kind of inclined to do it with you especially since I'd rather save my own ass, but you do know it is a suicide mission if things don't go as planned."
"I know I know I need to speak with Anya I promised her we would get our people out and I will not go back on my word." Murphy sighs as he sees Finn exit out of the Ark heading towards them.
"This is going to be good. The bigger fish we need to figure out what to do with the mountain men..." Finn gives Clarke a hard look.
"They have pardoned us all; our people knew we had to do what we needed to survive." Finn says, his eyes never leaving Clarke's face, trying to convince her he had to do what he had to find her. Clarke looks up at Finn emotionless. "I got to go." Finn abruptly gets up leaving the table. Murphy whistles.
"Trouble in paradise?" Murphy chuckles, sensing the tension between the two.
"You know I don't have to pardon you as they have, but unfortunately I need you and you're part of the pack." Murphy sits up taken by surprise how Clarke openly admitted she needed him, the guy who has been more than once a pain in her ass, killed a couple of their people, almost killing Bellamy and her. He just wasn't expecting how she could let that go. Maybe she didn't and she just needed all the able people they have, either way he wasn't going to forget the feeling of being needed. "You also know there is nothing going on between Finn and me."
"Right, there is something between you and Bellamy."
"What? No why would you say that?" Clarke looked at Murphy confused. Murphy rolled his eyes; literally everyone could see their connection was more but the two of them. If she wasn't going to admit it he wasn't going to push risking his head being chewed off.
"Clarke." Raven looks over at Murphy and rolls her eyes.
"Well, I know when I'm not wanted." Murphy gets up and walks away, pushing his cup towards Raven.
"Mount Weather is jamming us." Clarke looks at Raven surprised but her face grows grim.

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