Chapter 28 I Told You I'll Find You

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"They haven't done anything if this was a trap, do you think it's safe to get out?" Monty asks.
"Don't move they're here." Indra says looking at everyone.
"I'm not going to stay in here while Clarke is waiting for us." Bellamy says climbing out of the roof. "They're here..." Bellamy says lifting his hands as the person behind him grabs his gun.
"Everybody out or the boy dies." The person says before pulling Bellamy out of the rover.
"Okay! Okay we're coming out! Don't hurt him!" Indra gives a look of disgust but follows Kane's lead and places her weapons down in the rover before climbing out with the rest of them. The people grab Kane, Monty, and Indra as one of the people takes the beacon from Monty.
"All people secured!" Monty, Bellamy, Kane, and Indra are held down to the ground their arms behind their backs.
"That's mine! Give it back!" Monty yells as he struggles against the hold of the person behind him.
"Monty! Let it go!" Bellamy tries to calm him down under the pressure of another person holding him down.
"Monty?" Everyone looks at Monty.

The woman reveals her face as Monty looks at her shock. She embraces him as tears form in his eyes, everyone looking up from the ground in astonishment.

"I knew it!" She cries out as Monty holds onto her tighter.
"Farm station stand down."
"Pike?" Kane turns to his side looking up at the broad ebony skinned bald man with dark brown eyes.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you!" Pike helps up Kane. "LaCroy, Smith, watch our six, everyone else I said stand down." Indra gets up off the ground eyeing Pike up.
"Indra, this is Charles Pike, he was a teacher on the Ark. This is Indra, leader of the Trikru, a trusted ally." The two stare each other down unmoving.
"I'll have to take your word for it."
"What happened?"
"We landed in snow cushioning the crash, that's how most of us survived."
"I can't believe it. We have a camp south from here, Arkadia. Right now we need to focus on finding Clarke, she's currently being hunted."
"She was one of my best students in Earth skills I'm pretty sure she'll be fine out here." Pike smirks, shoving Bellamy, knowing he was just as good. Bellamy chuckles looking down.
"LaCroy, take the team rendezvous with the others, get them to Arkadia."
"I'm staying with my son."
"Damn right you are. Mount up we're going back into hell."


"Ai get kiln bilaik dei Azgeda nomajoka komba raun gon em." (I know that Ice Nation motherfucker came back for her.) A man says over Niylah. "Ai na as nodotaim noumou... Weron. Kamp. Raun, Wanheda." (I'm only asking once more... Where. Is. Wanheda.) He picks up Niylah tossing her around.


Bellamy comes into the trading post looking around for anymore Ice Nation grounders.

"You alright?" Bellamy asks trying not to scare the woman.
"Bounty hunter. Yu hon yu in osir sisplei." (We're here to help.) Indra says looking around, Niylah looking at the Sky People warily.
"Pike, go outside. There's no guarantee they have her, search the perimeter. Make sure he was alone." Pike scoffs but walks outside.
"We mean you no harm I'm just looking for my friend, Clarke or Wanheda. She's very important to me; please tell me if you know where she is." Niylah looks at Indra before Indra nods.
"She was here." Bellamy sighs. "But she disappeared in the night. She was probably taken, she left her supplies." Niylah motions to the crate.
"Do you have any idea where they could have taken her?"
"Well if it was Azgeda they would go east from here." They all nod.
"Thank you. Really." Niylah nods curtly before going to her room to attend to her wounds.

"I'll fill this place, starting with my people. You have my word."
"I believe in you Thelonious, together we will save the human race." Allie says, the two of them looking upon a city of sky scrapers surrounded by a lake. Train tracks leading to and from the city.

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