Chapter 42 The Mind Cloud

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Author's Note:First off, I had to edit last chapter a tiny bit

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Author's Note:
First off, I had to edit last chapter a tiny bit. I realized I forgot about Lincoln and that he's still alive... My bad guys. So it's only minor changes if you guys were wondering where he was.
Secondly, I just started my new series it's called The Hunt Bellarke AU, check it out. It's a modern day story so I hope you will enjoy it as well as this.

"Ahhh!" Clarke firmly presses the device at the back of her mother's neck as she holds her head down in her lap. The tool extracts the last remaining pieces of the chip in a tube; Clarke pulls the device away wiping her mother's hair out of her face.
"Mom? Can you hear me?" Clarke moves her mother to face her on her lap. "I know you're in there, come back to me."
"Clarke?" Abby's eyes flutter open. "Clarke! I'm so, so sorry!" She cries embracing Clarke like she was her life line.
"I know, I know it's okay, it wasn't you." Bellamy burst through the doors with Murphy and the others. "Hey, no it's okay!" Clarke says shielding her mother at the aim of Bellamy's gun. "She's back."
"Whoa, what about Ontari? I thought you said we only have one shot at that thing." Murphy says looking from Ontari's body to Clarke.
"Ontari's no longer an option, but we're doing an ascension ceremony."
"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option, besides she's still chipped and we no longer have an EMP."
"We're not putting the flame in Ontari's head; we're putting it in mine." Everyone gives Clarke a look.
"Clarke, that thing can kill you, you don't have Night Blood." Lincoln says looking at Clarke. "I've seen it melt someone's brain without Night Blood."
"I'll be connected with a Night Blood."
"Transfusion?" Pike asks still a little shock seeing Clarke alive and well.
"Not exactly..."
"Connected like Mount Weather." Abby says realizing what Clarke wants to do.
"Yes." Octavia rushes in seeing Ontari on the ground then at Clarke.
"Whatever you're going to do you better do it fast."
"Why what's wrong?" Bellamy looks over at Octavia concerned.
"They're climbing..." Bellamy takes a second and looks over the tower seeing people using ladders to and climbing up the gap to get to the walls. Clarke glances down then at her mother.
"I have to do this." Clarke says.
"Okay, I'll help you."

"Clarke, are you sure about this?" Bellamy asks pulling her aside.
"I'm sure, it's the only way." Bellamy sighs.
"Why does it always have to be you?"
"Because you're supposed to be the knight who saves the Princess, remember?" Bellamy rolls his eyes.
"I'm serious."
"So am I and I trust you will keep me safe while I have the flame in me." Bellamy looks at her before grabbing the back of her neck and waist pulling her closer leaning his forehead on hers.
"You're going to be the death of me." He whispers.
"I keep things exciting." She smiles, he lowers his head and brushes his lips onto her hers as she grabs his jacket pulling him into a deeper kiss. "I got this." Bellamy nods reluctantly letting her go.

"The moment you use the portal to interact with anything in my code... I will know and I will find you." Jasper says into the coms as he looks at a stirring Harper. "Are you willing to let your friend die for a two percent chance?"
"What do you think?" Jasper turns around seeing Monty.

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