Author's Note

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Hello my chickadees, now I know this isn't an update or a new chapter and for those who have been with me since the beginning, I thank you. For those dedicated people you may have noticed I went from posting three times a week to one to scarcely to barely. Don't worry I haven't forgotten you all or my two on going stories. Life just tends to happen and adulting consumes the most of us. So I'm terribly sorry, depending on my work schedule I will try to post a chapter once a week or maybe in two weeks. But I will try to make the chapters longer. On another note Lunar will be ending soon then I will focus on my other series, The Hunt. If you haven't checked it out yet please do!  On another other note I'm thinking of writing another Bellarke wolves series and will solely focus on the lovely Bellarke. However, that probably won't happen until I end this series and coming to a close with The Hunt. 

So before I go into work today I will work on some more for the next chapter in Lunar and try to get it out hopefully by Monday. Then get the next chapter of The Hunt out by Tuesday. This is hopeful thinking and I do want to try to get these chapters out to you lovely people. So I will try my best and thank you all again for following me through this journey. If you have any request for one shots let me know and I will comply the best I can. Please like, comment, and follow me I would love to hear from you all. Remember always be kind, be respectful, be you!

Love LostControlOfMyWorld

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