Chapter 35 Sacrifice of a Warrior Part 1

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Finn grabs Monty and slips into an empty room

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Finn grabs Monty and slips into an empty room.

"Pike is going to execute Kane."
"What? He can't do that can he?"
"He is Chancellor."
"Finn, we have to do something I know you don't want him dead."
"I don't and you're right what are we going to do."
"We need to find Harper and Miller."

"Kane as the leader of this coupe you will pay for these crimes with your life." Pike says to Kane in his cell. "Execution is set for dawn." Finn swallows a hard lump in his throat knowing what he needs to do.

Finn rushes to Monty grasping his arm to find Miller and Harper. Monty knocks on Miller's door as Miller lets him in. Finn holds up his hand before Miller has time to say anything, he grabs the chip and puts it into a bag Monty brought.

"The bag blocks the signal, now we can talk." Harper and Miller eye up Monty as he slightly nods.
"Who put it in there?" Miller asks to no one in particular,
"That's not important right now; Pike just sentenced Kane to death."
"Are you trying to scare us?" Harper scoffs.
"No, he's here to help." Finn looks at Monty confused but brushes it off. "I'm sure she has a plan to break Kane out what can we do?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Harper, come on."
"Look we can help from the inside but to pull this off we need people to hand him off on the outside."
"We seriously don't know what you are talking about." Miller cuts in; both he and Harper are torn to try to figure Finn out.
"Do you think I want him to die?" Finn questions.
"If Clarke wants to save Kane's life tell her to meet me at the drop ship in an hour." Finn walks out shaking his head.
"Finn... after everything we've been through, you don't trust me at least?"
"We trust you but we don't trust him, not anymore." Monty looks at Harper sadly.
"He seriously wants to help, let him we don't have time if we want to get Kane out of there."

"I'm glad you came, Clarke." Finn says looking at his alpha. "Don't worry I'm alone." He says noticing her looking around. Clarke goes in for a hug as Finn sighs in relief. "Clar-"
"Sleep well my friend," Clarke stabs Finn in the neck with anesthesia before dragging him away in the dark.

Finn stirs, he sees Bellamy, Murphy, Octavia, Wick, Sinclair, Indra, Lincoln, and Clarke in a cave talking amongst themselves.

"This is a bad idea."
"You're wasting time; Clarke should be in the camp by now." Indra interrupts Bellamy.
"That's suicide, Pike will be expecting you, and you won't get close. I can." Finn jumps in.
"You're the reason he needs saving." Octavia grits her teeth.
"You need me." Finn looks at Clarke, she laughs while walking towards him.
"No, no I don't." Clarke stares down at Finn her eyes glowing green, Finn flinches hanging his head down.

Bryan walks into his room seeing Miller looking at him sadly.

"What's wrong?"
"I'm a spy Bryan; I've been passing information to Ka-" Bryan cuts Miller off with his hand to his mouth.
"Shut up." Miller gives Bryan a look.
"Why are you so afraid of what I might say, Bryan?"
"They're executing traitors now."
"Yeah they do, and do you have a problem with that?"
"Nate, I-"
"What did Pike... I know he saved your life out there you owe him-"
"Okay, but I love you!" For a second Miller smiles before recovering washing the smile off of his face.
"Well you can't have both of us." Miller taps Bryan's shoulder before walking out the door.

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