Chapter 26 Who Want to Be Saved

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"Octavia! You stayed." Octavia looks at Clarke as she limps in. "Of course I stayed, I trust you and I trust your plan. What happened? Did Lexa turn on us?"

"Yes and they took Lincoln. He tried to stay; he even fought some of his people. I tried to help him but they threw me away and just took him. I'm sorry Octavia."

"At least you tried. What do we do now?"


Clarke growls at the door as Octavia goes for her sword.

"Bellamy." Octavia stops seeing Bellamy as she embraces him. Bellamy looks down at the white wolf questioningly. "I knew it, you two are too scrawny to drill." Octavia says pulling Monty and Jasper into a hug.
"Is that Clarke?" Bellamy asks.
"Yes." Octavia looks back at her.
"What happened? Why is she in wolf form can she recognize us?" Bellamy looks at Clarke then at Octavia a little wary.
"Yes, she has full control of her wolf. There were complications where she needs to stay in this form."
"What sort of complications?" Monty asks.
"She... uh..." Octavia looks at Clarke not knowing what to say.

"Just say I got hurt and leave it at that."

"She got hurt and her wolf forced her to change so she could heal quicker, enough about that we need to figure what to do next." Bellamy eyes the two but ignores it for now he will ask Clarke later.

"How could you let this happen?" Lincoln asks Indra as she crouches down looking at him. "Octavia's your second."
"Under the terms of the truce, the lands surrounding the mountain are forbidden. If you violate this, Lexa will never take you back. Octavia made her choice, now you make yours." Indra says to Lincoln as she gets up and walks away. Lincoln looks down seeing a knife Indra stabbed into the ground next to him. He grabs the knife and starts cutting away at his binds.

Endless rowing as Murphy, Richards, and Craig continues to go in the direction they assumed the drone went, everyone struggling to keep hope.

"You good Jaha?" Murphy chuckles.
"I'm fine..." Jaha holds onto the boat for dear life getting sea sick.
"Screw this..." Craig says. "If you're not going to sleep you can row."
"Get back on that ore, Craig!" Jaha turns around seeing Craig putting the ore in the boat.
"Or what? We don't even know if we're going in the right direction. We followed that drone across the open ocean. Hell, we deserve to die out here."
"It's okay, it's okay, I'm good to go, I can row." Murphy cuts in.
"Land?" Richards questions. "Land!" Everyone can see a lighthouse in the distance as Jaha smiles.
"Yeah!" Murphy yells throwing his arms in the air.
"How does and island of lights sound to you, John?"


The boat shakes violently disturbing the four occupants.

"Damn it!" One of the ores fall off the boat as Murphy looks over at Richards who dropped it.
"What was that?" Craig asks.
"Get that ore, get that ore!" Jaha points.


"Ahhh!" Richards falls in; Murphy tries to grab his hand as Richards is pulled under. Jaha pulls Murphy back his arm bleeding.


"I don't see it! Where is it?" Craig looks around frantically.
"Ahhhh!" Murphy groans holding his arm.
"We need to row!" Jaha instructs. "Now!"


The monster breaks the boards of the boat as Craig stares at the water filling in.

"Craig, row!"
"We're going to sink! We're all going to die!"
"I can row!" Murphy grunts. "Row!"
"Ahhhh!" Jaha throws Craig into the water.
"Craig! Get off of me!" Murphy struggles against Jaha trying to help Craig.
"Ahh!" A gigantic sea warm devours Craig whole as both Jaha and Murphy look at it in fear.
"The hell was that?" Murphy yells pushing at Jaha.
"Hold on, it's gone, it's gone." Jaha mumbles grabbing an ore and starts rowing.
"So we can live and because you can row." Murphy grabs the other ore and helps rowing.

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