Chapter 3 Acid Fog and Secrets

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"God can't you just shut him up?"
"Seriously, he's driving me insane!"
"Man, I can't take it anymore!" Murphy got up and headed towards the drop ship early in the morning.
"What do you think you're doing?" Clarke spat, getting up from changing Jasper's wound.
"I'm ending this! No one can sleep and his moaning is driving everyone insane!"
"You're not touching him!" Clarke stands between Murphy and Jasper.

"What's the problem?" Bellamy asks walking in.
"Bellamy, he's driving everyone insane. Let me just take care of it." Murphy tries to justify. Bellamy glances at Murphy to Jasper to Clarke.
"Come on, I'm going in a second to grab seaweed to cure him." Clarke stated, pleading to Bellamy.
"Fine, Jasper has until tomorrow. If he's not healed by then, I will finish him myself." Murphy looks shocked for a second but smirks right afterwards.
"Okay then I won't touch him."

"I'm going to gather a group of people to go hunting. We will need more food and blood for us." Bellamy says and he starts packing materials in his makeshift backpack.
"Good! I need a change of scenery and need to get away from the groaning." Murphy starts to grab equipment.
"No, not you I need you here to keep order."
"But Bel-"
"I'm serious. I need someone here to keep an eye on things."
"Ugh, fine but I'm not going to like it."

Bellamy and Murphy walk out of the drop ship, as Bellamy looks for Octavia. In an open clearing in the woods just outside of camp he sees Octavia making out with Atom.

"Atom! You're with me in the hunting group today." Bellamy coolly starts turning on his heels to head back to camp. Atom shift uncomfortably but soon follows.

"You guys ready?" Clarke questions Finn and Wells.
"Yeah we got everything we may need." Finn says holding up netting he just made for the seaweed. Clarke looks at the net then at Wells remembering he just activated his curse.
"Do you feel any different?"
"What do you mean? I feel fine."
"I mean you activated your curse. You're the first one out of the pack to do so. I need to know so to prepare for future activators. Any healing increasing, do you feeling stronger, are you faster?" Wells looked at Clarke wondering if she cared about his well-being.
"Honestly? I don't feel any different. It has also been one day, plus I don't think those things don't kick in until we turn."
"You're right, I did read that there wouldn't be and changes until you turn but just in case any changes I need to know. You're basically the guinea pig, so I need to know the pros and cons of this curse. You're the first one of us down here to activate the curse, besides we didn't have to worry about turning on the Ark. So being able to see the action up close will help the others eventually." Clarke states, walking towards the front gate.

"Hey." Bellamy says reaching the gate with the other recruits.
"Hey." Clarke says looking to her right towards Bellamy then glancing behind him. "I thought I told you no other werewolves."
"I don't trust him especially with my sister. Don't worry I won't let him or I do the kill shot, Princess." Bellamy smirks knowing Clarke would have argued. Clarke just rolls her eyes and nodding Finn and Wells forward. Bellamy chuckles as the hunting group goes west and Clarke's group goes east.

Clarke, Finn, and Wells start heading downwards heading towards the water area they found before. The trek was about an hour walk from camp. Clarke thought to herself that they would need to find water closer to camp. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a thump.

"What was that?" Wells asked looking down.
"Look guys!" Finn pries open a door.
"An automobile! Wow! I've only read and saw pictures of these!" Wells exclaims looking into the buried turned car.
"That's great guys, but we need to go Jasper can't wait." Clarke continues forwards leaving the two boys behind. They both get up to follow as Finn closes the door and looking at the vehicle one last time.

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