Chapter 20 Pack? Mate? Lover?

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A/N: If you haven't noticed I was finally able to get my Photoshop working and made a new cover and yes I did make it myself and yes it was a pain in the ass. Anyways, you guys are beautiful and I hope you have been enjoying my Bellarke series I'm so excited to start veering off more and into the werewolves and vampires part. This will still follow some parts of the show and if you haven't seen it there are spoilers. So please read to your discretion. 

Bellamy woke up with Clarke still unresponsive. She had looked so peaceful in her state and as much as Clarke needed the sleep Bellamy couldn't help but worry she will never come back to him. He had to push these negative thoughts aside before it ate at him, right now he had to focus on his task at hand and get into Mount Weather. Bellamy got ready as Octavia came into the tent.

"Are you ready?" She asked.
"Yeah, I still don't feel comfortable leaving her here but I trust you."
"Good to know big brother." Octavia tried to tease but she could see the torment in his eyes. "She'll be fine, I'll make sure of it we'll figure out what's wrong with her."
"I know I just can't lose her okay? She's not only my best friend or mate... I just... I love her more than she can ever know. It scares me to think she may not come back to me as my Princess. I don't know what to do." Bellamy huffs in frustration. Octavia walks over to Bellamy and place a hand on his shoulder.
"I know it's hard but she's strong, stronger than all of us. If anyone can fight their way back it's her and you know it." Bellamy just nods.
"O, just make sure Spacewalker doesn't try anything stupid with her, okay?" Octavia smirked.
"Jealousy isn't a good look on you big brother." Bellamy rolled his eyes; before he walked out he leaned over and gently kissed Clarke on her lips.

People of the Ark had brought Clarke back to camp on the stretcher, everyone whispering as to what they thought had happened.

"Everyone get back to work there's nothing to see here. Your alpha will be fine!" Octavia yelled with Raven and Finn next to her.

They had brought Clarke to a private room within the Ark with the three of them constantly on watch. Octavia eyed Finn as he looked at Clarke longingly.

"Finn I get that you love her I really do, but you got to let her go."
"I can't do that, but I will respect her decision being with Bellamy as much as I hate the sound of that. All I want is for her to be happy and safe and if Bellamy does that for her I won't be in the way. Right now what bothers me is her not waking up. I forgot to tell you guys before this happened Clarke's eyes were green and a white pigment glazed over her eyes. She was mumbling something before she came and recused you, Raven." Both Raven and Octavia looked at Finn waiting for him to continue. "Maybe we should grab Abby and Kane before I continue so that I don't have to repeat myself." They nodded and Raven left to grab Kane and Abby.
"Finn, make this quick, Indra and a few grounders will be here shortly so we can learn from one another and prepare for the war with Mount Weather." Kane said hastily.
"Okay, so before Clarke and I rushed up to save Raven her eyes were turned then a white pigment glazed over her eyes. She was mumbling something and even with our hearing I had to strain to hear her. She said 'I can't save anyone. What do you want from me?' And it looked like she saw someone. Then she said 'say something. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you but I need to protect her! Tell me! Instead of just looking at me like that.' She then looked to the ground and onto the spilled chalices. From there she jumped up so quickly and her eyes turned back to blue." Finn finishes. Everyone was quiet and let the information soak in.
"That's how she knew I didn't do it and didn't hesitate to drink from the bottle." Raven gasped.
"Right, so I don't know if this information helps but that's when I noticed it started and that's probably why she sent Bellamy away." Finn said lost in thought.
"Okay, I have to greet Indra and the rest of the grounders with her, but keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't leave this room. Right now she's unstable and with little information we know we can't let anyone worry." Everyone nodded as Kane and Abby exited the room.

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