Chapter 54 No One Said it Would Be Easy

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Grounders of all 12 clans rush into the bunker forcing all of Skaikru out of their rooms

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Grounders of all 12 clans rush into the bunker forcing all of Skaikru out of their rooms. Cries of men, women, and children could be heard.

"Dad? Dad!" A little boy cried in search of the horde of people being pushed towards the rotunda.
"Ethan? Ethan! Oh thank God!" The man scooped up his son following the rest of his people.

"Kom of, you! Ai laik Trikru." (Get off me! I'm Trikru.) Niylah grunts as another grounder grips her arm forcing her to the center where everyone met.
"Natrona. Shak op gon Skaikru, wan op gon Skaikru." (Traitor. Live with Skaikru, die with Skaikru.) Murphy rushes to Niylah's side placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, where's Emori?"
"I haven't seen her."
"John!" Murphy runs to Emori seeing her stand in the middle of the crowd.

Everyone gathers at the center of the column, holding all.

"How many of our people are going to die tonight? You still think you made the right choice?" Jaha asks Bellamy as Abby looks around.

"Just hang in there Raven, we're sending a team to get you today." Abby radios in the office.
"You sure about this?"
"Yes, we need you and not just for the hundreds of things we know you can fix, but the thousands we haven't thought of yet."
"Thank you, Abby."
"I'm just glad you are alright."
"You'll be too, my brain is healing the seizures have stopped. When I get there we will use the same procedure on you, you'll be cured." Kane furrows his eyebrows leaning over the desk to look at Abby.
"Cured? What's she talking about?" Abby looks at Kane for a moment before talking on the radio again.
"We can talk about that when you get here."

Jaha, Bellamy, and Clarke walk into the office seeing Kane and Abby.

"Our people are scared, Marcus. We have to tell them something."
"We just spoke to Raven; once she gets here we will have all of our essential personnel."
"How many spots does that leave us with?" Clarke asks looking at Kane.
"Including the essential personnel and the places we are holding for the children under 16; that leaves us with 80." Clarke looks at her mother torn.
"Eighty..." Abby nods slightly.
"I can't believe we are sending 364 of our own people to their deaths." Jaha says through gritted teeth.
"We're lucky they are giving us space in this bunker at all. We just started to pass out the serum to the rest of the clans, because of unforeseen circumstances we have yet to distribute the rest to our people. So we will be able to save more of our people." Clarke looks at Jaha trying to reason with him.
"Where are they going to find shelter when the death wave comes? Black blood will not save them from that."
"Look I don't like this anymore than you do-" Kane says.
"Then let's fight this!"
"No, any thought of resistance will cost us our lives. Our best course of action is to hold a lottery for the remaining spots."
"This is not going to work, Marcus."
"That was your idea."
"That was for the chance to survive."
"And how is this any different?"
"Until twenty minutes ago our people believed that they were safe. They let down their guard, they picked their bunks, they unpacked their bags, and they imagined their futures. You try to rip that from them now and believe me they will fight." Jaha says staring at Abby then at Kane.
"No one is saying this is going to be easy, but we need to make the people listen to reason." Jaha shakes his head looking at Kane.
"Someone still needs to get Raven, I'd like to volunteer." Bellamy says with his arms crossed.
"And I'll join you."
"No, someone else can go with him." Abby says looking at Clarke incredulously.
"Mom... Look, Raven needs our help, I know the way to the island, and I need to do this."
"You will be safe, you both took the serum but still wear the hazmat suits. There will be a place for both of you when you get back."
"I'll meet you in the air lock." Abby says.
"Okay." Bellamy grunts turning to walk out with Clarke in tow.

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