Chapter 45 Finding a Solution

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"With people working on two meals a day as hard as ours we won't be making any friends." Bellamy grunts walking into the supply room.
"Well if it's one thing our people understands it's rationing. Besides once we close those doors it will be one meal a day for the next five years." Clarke answers.
"Try one meal every other day. Even with the hydro generator we still have to ration." Raven says welding metals together in the storage unit. "The hunting parties are coming back with less and less. Thanks to your friend Niylah, we're preserving more meat than ever but it's still not enough. It's not going to be easy growing protein like back on the Ark it's not an option. Remember that when we're starving."
"I won't be starving because I won't be inside." Bellamy says sternly.
"Yes, you will." Clarke says glaring at Bellamy.
"Does that mean you made the list?"
"Not exactly."
"Clarke, I know we can house all these people but we need that list in case we can't grow protein. At least a list for 100 people we need to prepare for the worst and you know I'm right." Clarke sighs as the three hear a commotion outside.

Nyko comes to the gates with a little girl in his arms and a few grounders with him.

"Please, we need Skaikru." Nyko says desperately.
"Move! Stand back!" Bellamy says pushing through the guards.
"What happened to them?" Clarke inquires.
"The sickness." Abby moves forward looking at the girl.
"What's ARS?" Bellamy looks down at Abby.
"Acute Radiation Sickness," Raven, Bellamy, and Clarke look at each other with the same look of worry on their faces. "It's not contagious; let's get them to med bay."

A hooded figure walks the lands of Polis to a young warrior.

"It's not safe for you here."
"I need you to handle something for me, when you handled Rafael." Roan says as Indra walks out of her dwelling. "We should speak alone."
"If you can't trust Indra you can't trust me." Octavia says clasping her hands behind her back.
"Fine, I need you to find the Flame."
"The Flame? How did you lose it?"
"I didn't lose it, someone stole it."
"If word gets out that he has lost the Flame the other clans will question his rule." Indra interrupts.
"Whoever did this, got in and out of the tower without being seen, the new flame keeper." Roan says as Octavia slides on her jacket.
"Perhaps you should look closer to home."
"My people want an Ice Nation King."
"The ambassadors don't."
"The ambassadors are cowards and know I'd have their heads, the keepers of the Flame, fanatics." Roan looks at Octavia, "I'd do it myself but my guards won't let me out of their sight." Octavia sheaths her sword walking between Roan and Indra.
"I'll handle it." Octavia says with a straight face.
"What's wrong? You created a killer, on the street they're calling her Skairipa, Death from Above."
"I am so proud."
"You should be one kill to prevent thousands... that's good politics." Roan says pulling up his hood before walking away.

"You said there would be food here." Murphy walks towards Emori after looking at yet another empty cage.
"There should be, this place always caught good meat." Emori lifts up a rock and sighs. "Now, there are not even bugs."
"Unfortunately, I'm not that hungry for that to be upsetting yet." Murphy squats down by the kindling fire before Emori, putting his hands towards the flame to soak in its heat. "I actually kind of miss Polis. I had this drink there it was sweet, made out of sheep's milk." Emori gives Murphy a look.
"Who gave this to you?"
"Clarke." Murphy laughs.
"You told me you were trying to survive."
"I was; both Clarke and Bellamy gave everyone who was with us food and drinks when Clarke almost died."
"What else wasn't bad John? The luxuries other women-"
"I don't want to talk about this."
"Fine, then let's not," Emori says getting up.
"Emori, they are my people Clarke and Bellamy are my leaders, they took care of me, I'm sorry that doesn't make you happy that a part of my life in Polis was actually good, but I'm not sorry that I was there to protect them back." Emori stops sighs and places another log on the fire.
"Where are you going?" She asks as Murphy gets up slinging a backpack over his shoulder.
"I'm going to go to Arkadia."
"What? Why?"
"I'm a better thief than a hunter."
"I'll come with you."
"No, I'll draw less attention alone." He cups the side of her neck drawing her into a soft kiss. "Tonight we feast." He smirks.
"Okay." She sighs before letting him go.

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