Chapter 37 Revival and Survival

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"I don't understand? Why would Clarke's mom be shooting at us?""She's been chipped like almost everyone in Arkadia

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"I don't understand? Why would Clarke's mom be shooting at us?"
"She's been chipped like almost everyone in Arkadia."
"What about Raven? Clarke?"
"Raven is knocked out; we need to blindfold her so Allie doesn't know where we are and Clarke..."
"I wouldn't leave without Jasper taking her with us."
"I still don't understand that Maya, but I do trust you."
"It's a good thing; I knew Pike put a bullet through her brain and all Astraios told me was to retrieve her body." Bellamy looks down at Clarke's body tensing up as his eyes graze over her head. "Strange..."
"Right now we need to meet up with Sinclair and the others."

"Sinclair, come in."
"What is it Jasper?"
"Arkaida has fallen with Allie's zombie minions, I have Raven in the back she's been chipped and unconscious. Bellamy and Maya are with me as well as... never mind we're on our way to you guys."
"What do you mean Arkadia has fallen?"
"We'll explain once we get there." Sinclair looks at Monty as Monty shrugs his shoulders.
"I don't understand it, either." Monty says. "Something about the chips."
"We'll know soon enough. Be ready." Sinclair says. Octavia grabs her gear not wanting to deal being around Finn.
"Wait, you can't just leave." Finn tries to stop Octavia.
"Watch me."
"You heard what Jasper said on the radio. Arkadia isn't safe."
"We knew Allie was recruiting people and as insane as that is Clarke was willing to protect us to keep moving on and finish the Pike ordeal. Pike's gone, I can handle myself."
"What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?"
"Bring Clarke back, my sister, my alpha, my brother's mate and love of his life."
"The grounders were starving us out."
"Because you killed their people of an army and put them on Pike's for everyone to see, the ones that were sent to protect us."
"That army could have attacked us at any time and you know it."
"I'm just glad that Clarke saw it coming, saw you coming before you did any more damage."
"What are you talking about?"
"Clarke saw you, Pike and ten other people walk in on Indra's sleeping army massacring them where Lexa put a kill order on all Sky People. If Clarke didn't see that more people would have died. We got them out and they didn't attack, you did that." Finn just stares at Octavia. "You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences, Finn. People get hurt, people die, our people. Two of our people are dead. Clarke is dead.

Jasper stops the rover rushing out carrying Raven with Maya and Bellamy behind as Bellamy carries Clarke's body.

"We need your help!" Octavia rushes out. "We need to get Raven inside before she wakes up!"
"Bellamy..." Octavia starts as he shakes his head.
"We need to get the chip out of Raven's head."

"Did she say how?" Sinclair asks.
"She was working on something; she needed one of our old wristbands. Jaha destroyed all of them."
"Tie Raven up and keep the blindfold on but first things first I think you guys need to see this." Bellamy instructs as he can now see Clarke's body clearly.

The group hovers over Clarke's body as Sinclair looks at her sadly.

"What's going on?"
"Look, O you said Pike shot her through her skull?"
"Yes, why?"
"Look here." Bellamy points as everyone can see the once bullet holes slowly closing up.
"What's going on?" Monty asks.
"I have no idea, all Astraios told me was to retrieve her body nothing else."
"That can't be, how is she healing, I saw her die, Kane saw her die." Octavia says as she crouches down next to Bellamy.
"She's healing..." Bellamy places his finger on her neck searching for a pulse, nothing. "This doesn't make any sense, I can't find a pulse yet she's healing, Sinclair any ideas?"
"This is all new to me I have lived many lifetimes and I have never seen this before."

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