Chapter 50 Salvation Lies Within

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The man that Emori named as Baylis lied still in the containment glass as Abby and Clarke checked his vitals, Jackson reconfirming the straps on the man

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The man that Emori named as Baylis lied still in the containment glass as Abby and Clarke checked his vitals, Jackson reconfirming the straps on the man.

"Vital signs are strong. Jackson, secure the chamber."
"Copy that." Jackson closed the glass encasing stepping away everyone looking at the man lying down. "He's ready."
"Yeah but are we?" Raven scoffs.
"The guy's a monster." Emori counters.
"We've been over this. None of us want to do this, but the death wave will be here in ten days. Luna and Lexa's stem cell graphed successfully, Baylis is making Night blood on his own. This really is our only hope." Clarke spoke giving a pep talk to everyone in the room.
"We're really still talking about this?" Murphy questioned. "Black rain is already here. Eighteen people already died in it yesterday in Arkadia, so if Night blood can help us walk around in it, I for one would want to know about that."
"Okay, Jackson, proceed." Abby says interrupting Murphy's rant.
"Copy that, initiating." Jackson flipped a couple of switches slowly increasing the radiation.
"Five hundred REM, eight hundred, this is where we would see symptoms in a non-night blood."
"BP is 100 over 50; body temp is 98.7, resting comfortably."
"No visible effects." Clarke analyzes.
"One thousand REM, one thousand five hundred."
"All good here." Abby supplies.
"Two thousand REM, the level of black rain."
"Still nothing. It's working." Roan smirks at the progress as beeping starts to increase. Baylis' heart rate starts to rise.
"Two thousand five hundred."
"Wait." Abby saying looking at his vitals.
"No. Turn it off!" Clarke yells as she sees blood spots surfacing. Jackson turns off the radiation.
"Ahhhh!" Baylis starts screaming.
"Get him out of there!" Abby rushes to the encasing.
"Wait! It's not safe yet!" Jackson pulls her away as Abby looks at the man in distraught.

Everyone gasps as Luna, Lexa, and Roan grit their teeth. Clarke looks at the man hopelessly as Bellamy puts his arms around her. Emori grabs Murphy's hand, their bodies tensing. Raven, Jackson, Abby, and Miller look at the vulnerable man dying.

"Ahh!" Baylis spits out blood continuously screaming before he falls limp in the encasing, the sound of a long beep indicating of his death.
"What have we done?" Abby whispers.

"Thank you for joining us outside today. We stand together in our grave time. On the Ark rain like this, was only a dream... May we meet again." Jaha says rising the torching preparing to burn the eighteen bodies they placed on a pier.
"May we meet again." Everyone chanted.
"Too many funerals too little time." Jasper says walking pass.
"Show some respect for the dead!" Finn growls under his breath.
"What for? They don't mind?"
"Hey, where are you going?"
"Where ever the day takes me?" Jasper heads towards the gates as Finn glances back at the funeral then to Jasper.
"Do you have a chem tent?"
"Jasper!" Jasper sighs as he continues to walk. "Jasper! No one leaves without a chem tent."
"Do you have a chem tent?"
"Good, then we have a chem temp." Finn grabs his arm forcing him to look at him.
"Maybe you didn't see how those people died..."
"I saw, but I'm just not afraid of it happening to me."
"Jasper, it's not safe out there."
"What else is new? Come on, we're losing daylight." Jasper says opening the gate as Finn is torn to stay or drag Jasper back.
"Jasper. Jasper! Hey!"

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