Chapter 8 Best Unity Day Ever

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"My friends, this is an historic unity day." Jaha's voice echoes throughout the camp. "Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors both werewolves and vampires joined together to form the Ark. But this is the last time we do so while aboard her, next year, right on the ground." The 100 could hear people cheering and clapping through the speakers. Miller rolls his eyes.
"Right, after we did all the work. Someone shut him up."
"You shut up, Miller. No is forcing you to watch." Raven chimes in.
"Whooooooooooo! Yeah!" Jasper hollers walking out of his and Monty's tent. "Monty strikes again!" He removes his goggles. "Hey! Call this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?" Jasper walks to the center of camp as everyone gathers around him.
"Whoooooo!" Jasper starts to pour the moonshine in everyone's tin cups.

Octavia uses this chance to sneak out of camp, Finn watching her leave out the front gate. He looks in her direction confused, but doesn't bother with it. He shakes his head but wonders where she is going.

Many people holler and cheer as many people start to become tipsy or drunk enjoying one peaceful day. Night fall hits just as fast, fire a blazed, torches lit, people still celebrating.

"Coms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." Clarke say walking up to Bellamy.
"Best unity day ever." Bellamy says sarcastically smirking at Clarke. She laughs shaking her head. They both look at camp smiling.
"Do you really think now's a good time to be having a party? The grounder is out there." She looks at Bellamy.
"Grounders, they're probably gathering together to form a lynch mob." He jokes but sees the uneasiness in Clarke. "Relax, I've got security covered. Go have a drink."
"I could use more than one." She laughs looking at camp then back at him.
"Then have more than one. Clarke, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it." Bellamy smiles trying to convince Clarke.
"Yeah. Okay." She turns to leave but pauses. "So do you, by the way." She smiles at him. He looks at her and slightly shrugs.
"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." She smiles then slowly turns away. He watches her the whole time his eyes never leaving her as he take a bite of an apple. He smirks for a second and chews happily staring at the blonde chatting with people grabbing a drink.

Octavia roams the forest taking in the forest sounds, taking every breath in deeply. She sees a white lily in a tree closest to the camp gates and looks at before picking it up. She then finds another not too far from there then another and another. Picking each up as she follows the trail. She puts the flowers down as she pulls out her knife sneaking into a cave.

A fire lit sending shadows in each direction. She could see the back of a tall muscular tanned man, with a shaved down hair style of a Mohawk. She creeps up as she pulls her arm back to stab him only for him to turn around and catch both of her arms.

"Better?" He looks down to see her left hand with another knife at his neck.
"We'll make a warrior out of you yet." He smiles as Octavia's hands fall at her side, Lincoln lean down to kiss her. He grabs the back of her neck pulling her closer to him deepening the kiss.

His hands rub up and down her arms before tossing back her jacket. Her hands run up his sides to the side of his face to his cheeks, both never leaving each other's lips. Their kisses we're longing and gentle, yet firm and passionate. She couldn't have enough of him nor he her. They were flames dancing with one another moving fluidly in tuned.

Octavia guided his arms up pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground. She arched her back bringing her body close to him as he picked up her legs. She straddled his hips, Lincoln carrying her over to the fur that lay on the ground. Gently he guided her to lay down, her legs still wrapped around him. She looked up at him with those bight green eyes as she cups the side of his neck.

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